Quality Beyond Code: The Literate Programming

Quality Beyond Code: The Literate Programming

In the age of Large Language Models (LLMs) and Generative AI, writing efficient, understandable code has become more vital than ever. But let's step back for a moment and consider the foundation of coding itself—literate programming. This programming paradigm isn't just about crafting code; it's about composing a well-thought-out narrative around it.

Donald E. Knuth, the computer scientist who laid down the framework for Literate Programming, eloquently stated: "The practitioner of literate programming can be regarded as an essayist, whose main concern is with exposition and excellence of style. Such an author, with thesaurus in hand, chooses the names of variables carefully and explains what each variable means. He or she strives for a program that is comprehensible because its concepts have been introduced in an order that is best for human understanding, using a mixture of formal and informal methods that reinforce each other."

Let's put this into context with a simple code example. Instead of just writing:

def calc(a, b):
    return a * b        

A literate programmer might approach it like this:

def calculate_area_of_rectangle(length, breadth):
    Calculate the area of a rectangle given its length and breadth.

    - length: The length of the rectangle.
    - breadth: The breadth of the rectangle.

    - The area of the rectangle.
    return length * breadth        

Now, you might wonder, "Why is this even a thing in software testing?" Trust me, in this era where everything's becoming more automated and complex, you'd want to keep your code as straightforward as possible. In the following sections, we'll explore why literate programming is your secret weapon for quality testing, and, sure, we'll touch a bit on why it’s especially golden in today’s age of LLMs and Generative AI. But mainly, let’s get into why this matters for anyone who cares about building solid, reliable software.

Literate Programming: The Basics

So, what's the deal with this literate programming? Think of it as your favorite Netflix drama series, but for your code. It’s about telling a story, not just lining up statements like soldiers on parade.

Definition and Its Primary Goals

In simple terms, literate programming is all about making your code readable and understandable, not just by machines but by humans too. It's a narrative for your code, where the main characters are variables, the plot twists are algorithms, and the happy endings are successful test cases. The goal? Make everything transparent and intuitive so that anyone who dives in can understand the "why" and the "how," not just the "what."

Why It's Not Just Fancy Commenting

So, you've heard the phrase "clean code" tossed around, right? Maybe you even think it's synonymous with a bunch of comments scattered throughout your code. I used to think the same way until I sat in my Clean Coding class at university. My professor had this mantra he'd repeat almost every session: "Reading clean code should feel like reading a novel."

The professor's point focuses more on self-documenting code—where the code itself, through descriptive naming and structure, tells the story without needing a lot of external comments. In that case, the code becomes as easy to follow as a novel, not because of accompanying 'narration' via comments, but because the 'characters' (variables, methods, classes) and 'plot points' (code structure, logic) are so clearly defined and named that the 'story' tells itself.

Here are Python examples that deal with a simple financial transaction:

  • The 'What is Going On?'

def p_t(u, a):
    # u is user, a is amount
    b = u['b']  # b is balance
    if b >= a:  # check if b is greater than or equal to a
        u['b'] = b - a  # update b
        return True  # return True if successful
        return False  # return False if not enough b        

  • Clarity Through Naming: The Self-Explaining Code

def process_transaction(user, amount_to_withdraw):
    current_balance = user.get_balance()
    if current_balance >= amount_to_withdraw:
        user.set_balance(current_balance - amount_to_withdraw)
        return True
    return False        

  • The 'Complete Story' : Literate Programming

def process_transaction(user, amount_to_withdraw):
    Process a financial transaction to withdraw money from a user's account.
    - user: The user object containing account information.
    - amount_to_withdraw: The amount to be withdrawn.
    - True if the transaction was successful.
    - False if the transaction failed due to insufficient funds.
    current_balance = user.get_balance()
    if current_balance >= amount_to_withdraw:
        user.set_balance(current_balance - amount_to_withdraw)
        return True
    return False        

The Importance in Testing

Now that we've gotten to know literate programming a bit, you might be wondering, "Hey, what's this got to do with testing?". We're so used to treating testing like the stepsister in Cinderella—important but often overlooked. Well, guess what? It’s time for the glass slipper to fit.

Addressing the Challenges and Gaps

We've all been there. Your tests are passing, your code is deploying, but you can't remember why a specific test case exists. Or worse, a new team member has to spend a week just understanding what the tests are doing. It’s like trying to figure out the rules of cricket by watching a match for the first time—confusing and daunting.

And documentation? It's often just a courteous nod, right? A few lines here and there, mostly outdated, and rarely detailed enough to be helpful.

The following UFT One VBScript example is purposely obfuscated, lacks meaningful names, and is devoid of any comments or documentation.

' Here comes the chaos!
Dim x, y, z
x = "username"
y = "password"
z = "Sign In"

With Browser("title:=.*").Page("title:=.*")
    .WebEdit("name:=" & x).Set "usr"
    .WebEdit("name:=" & y).SetSecure "abc123"
    .WebButton("value:=" & z).Click
End With

If Browser("title:=.*").Page("title:=.*").WebElement("innertext:=Welcome,.*").Exist(1) Then
    r = 1 ' What's r? A pirate sound?
    r = 0 ' Um, okay?
End If        

  1. "Decipher the Hieroglyphs": You see variables like x, y, z, and r. What do they even mean? They might as well be ancient symbols.
  2. "Navigate the Maze": The With block makes it slightly less verbose, but it's a nightmare if you want to understand which web elements are being interacted with.
  3. "The Magic Numbers": What does r = 1 or r = 0 mean? Success? Failure? A toss of a coin? Who knows!
  4. "Guess the Outcome": The script checks for a WebElement with "Welcome," but what happens if it finds it or doesn't? The variable r is set, but it's not reported or logged anywhere.
  5. "Team Confusion": Imagine introducing this script to a team member. You'd have to explain what each variable means, why it's being set, and what the script aims to achieve. This would probably take longer than writing a new, cleaner script!

Now let's flip the script—literally—and see how literate programming can turn that chaotic code into something readable, maintainable, and honestly, something you wouldn't mind inheriting from a co-worker.

' === Login to the Application ===
' This block handles the user login. We use meaningful variables to make it

' Perform Login Action
Browser("Browser").Page("LoginPage").WebEdit("username").Set "admin"
Browser("Browser").Page("LoginPage").WebEdit("password").SetSecure "5d2d8g3"

' Verify Successful Login
Browser("Browser").Page("LoginPage").Check CheckPoint("Signed-in")        

After demonstrating the transformative power of literate programming in enhancing code readability, one might wonder, what's the next step? This is where UFT One's Keyword View comes into play. It not only preserves the integrity of your well-structured VBScript but elevates it by rendering your actions and methods into an intuitive table format. It's not about dumbing down the complexity; it's about making that complexity accessible and understandable to a broader team. The Keyword View is essentially an interface that maps out your script in a layout that's straightforward to interpret, regardless of your level of programming expertise.

UFT One Keyword View

By coupling literate programming with the Keyword View, we're enhancing both readability and maintainability, aligning the team on a common, easily understandable platform. So while our literate programming example was already a significant improvement over the "bad code" scenario, integrating it with Keyword View is like adding an extra layer of user-friendliness, making the entire testing process more efficient.

Why Now? The Contemporary Urgency

One may ask, "What makes literate programming especially relevant in today's fast-paced technological landscape?" The answer, in part, lies in the advances we've seen in Large Language Models (LLMs) and Generative AI.

Advances in AI Technologies

Generative AI and LLMs have evolved beyond their rudimentary applications. They are now capable of writing code and automated tests—a development that comes with significant implications. Papers such as "OpenAI’s GPT-3: Language Models Are Few-Shot Learners" illustrate the vast capabilities of these models, from generating text to complex code snippets.

The Imperative of Quality Data

While the capacities of these models are impressive, their efficacy hinges on the quality of the data they're trained on. Poorly written code can muddle their learning, resulting in subpar output. This makes the clarity and readability provided by literate programming even more crucial.

The Role of Literate Programming

Here, literate programming comes into play as a significant asset. By focusing on well-structured and documented code, it serves as an invaluable source of high-quality training data. Donald Knuth’s seminal paper, "Literate Programming" delineates the importance of writing code that is as understandable to humans as it is to computers, and it's worth a read for anyone interested in this subject.

The Time Is Now

The intersection of these advancements marks a critical juncture. The code we write today is not just for human consumption but serves as the groundwork for future automated solutions. As we increasingly rely on AI for automation, the clarity and comprehensibility of our code take on heightened importance.

Getting Practical: How to Implement Literate Programming in Testing with UFT One

We've touched on the theory and the importance of applying literate programming in testing, but how do you make it actionable? Especially when using UFT One, a tool that is a staple in many testers' toolkits? Let's unpack this.

Best Practices with UFT One: Start Simple, Build Up

  1. Comment Your Test Logic: I can't stress this enough. You're probably used to commenting within your application code, but let's carry that habit over into your test scripts. In UFT One, you have the flexibility to insert comments directly into your scripts. Use this space to explain the what, why, and how of each test scenario.
  2. Readable Test Names: You know the drill—no more "test1" or "TestCaseXYZ." In UFT One, you can name your test actions, test cases, and even your entire test suites in a way that is self-explanatory. For instance, how about something descriptive like ValidateEmptyCartBehavior?
  3. Embedding Documentation: UFT One has built-in features for comprehensive reporting, but you can also utilize external tools to create standalone documentation.
  4. Modularize and Abstract: One of the beauties of UFT One is its support for modular test design. Create helper functions and utilities to encapsulate common functionalities in your tests. These could be as simple as login or logout functions or as complex as a sequence for placing an order. And don't forget to document these modules meticulously.

Challenges and Considerations: Navigating the Road Ahead

While the potential benefits of integrating literate programming into your testing environment are significant, it's crucial to acknowledge the bumps you might encounter on the road to implementation. Especially in today's world where DevOps and Agile have a seat at the table, how does this paradigm shift in testing actually play out?

Potential Roadblocks

  1. Resistance to Change: As we all know, changing established practices isn't always a walk in the park. Some team members may push back against what they see as an unnecessary complication to the testing process.Solution: A phased rollout can help. Start with a small pilot project and showcase its success. Seeing is believing, right?
  2. Initial Time Investment: Documenting your tests extensively and thoughtfully is going to consume time initially.Solution: The upfront time invested pays off in the long run through increased maintainability and reduced ambiguity in test scenarios. Moreover, remember that DevOps and Agile prize iterative improvement; this is no different.
  3. Complexity in Scalability: As you scale up the number of tests and modules, keeping the documentation up to date can become challenging.Solution: Regular audits and reviews can help maintain the quality of documentation. Also, automated documentation generators integrated into your CI/CD pipeline can ease this burden.

Fitting Into DevOps and Agile

Coming from an Application Delivery Management Solutions perspective, incorporating literate programming in testing is less of a sidestep and more of a leap forward. It aligns closely with the principles of continuous improvement and shared responsibility that are central to both DevOps and Agile frameworks.

Think about it. With DevOps, you're striving for a seamless pipeline from development to deployment. Well-documented and well-understood tests facilitate this by reducing the ambiguity and potential for error at the testing stage, thereby making the pipeline more efficient.

As for Agile, iterations happen fast, and requirements can change like the weather. Having self-explanatory, modular tests allows for quick modifications, ensuring that your testing environment is as agile as your development one.

Where Do We Go From Here?

Alright, folks, we've talked about the nitty-gritty of integrating literate programming into software testing, but let's zoom out for a second. Where is this all headed as technology keeps marching forward?

The Merge of AI and Testing

We're seeing the dawn of a new era where AI technologies like large language models and generative AI are joining the software dev party. Imagine a future where your test cases are not only self-documented but also self-generated by AI. Sound like sci-fi? Well, projects like OpenText's Aviator are bringing us closer to that reality.

Quality Over Quantity

As technology advances, the importance of software quality escalates. We're not just talking about your standard apps anymore. We're venturing into IoT devices, self-driving cars, and healthcare applications. The stakes are higher than ever. Literate programming can be the key to ensuring that our increasingly complex software systems are not just functional but future-proof.

The Confluence with DevSecOps

Security is becoming a top concern, and literate programming can provide clearer roadmaps for security testing. DevSecOps, anyone? Documented and well-understood tests can assist security experts in identifying vulnerabilities more easily.

Adapt or Perish

With the rising adoption of microservices, containerization, and cloud-native architectures, testing has to be more adaptable than ever. Literate programming, with its focus on readability and modularity, fits right into this agile future.

Codeless Testing

This article "The Rise of Codeless Testing" by Don Jackson discusses the increasing prevalence of low-code and no-code solutions in the realm of software testing. Jackson begins by defining low-code as a Rapid Application Development (RAD) capability where generated code can be modified and assembled in a model-driven environment, thus making it easier for non-technical individuals to contribute to applications. No-code solutions are even more abstracted, offering a WYSIWYG interface for application development.

Jackson makes it clear that these approaches are not only applicable to software development but also to UI Test Automation. However, he warns that ‘scriptless’ solutions are often just low-code solutions where the code is hidden from the user. This can lead to limitations, especially if customizations are needed down the line.

The article further delves into model-based testing, which derives test cases from a functional model of the software being tested. This allows for a more organized and intuitive approach to testing, which can be further streamlined using no-code solutions. Jackson also provides examples of these concepts being implemented in UFT One and ALM Quality Center, supporting his arguments with real-world applications.

As technologies like AI continue to evolve and potentially revolutionize code writing and testing, the synergy between low-code/no-code and literate programming becomes an area ripe for exploration and innovation. This intersection could offer new avenues for generating quality data and well-written code, crucial for training advanced language models and AI systems. The future is unfolding at a rapid pace; staying ahead will require adaptability and a willingness to incorporate new methods without sacrificing quality.


In this rapidly evolving tech landscape, clinging to old methods won't do. Literate programming in software testing isn't just a 'nice-to-have'; it's becoming a 'need-to-have'. It aligns perfectly with our move towards more agile, secure, and high-quality software development.

So, whether you're knee-deep in Application Delivery, QA, DevOps or just starting in the software game, give literate programming in test creation the consideration it deserves. It might just be the missing piece in your software quality puzzle.

That's it from me! What are your thoughts on the future of literate programming in testing? Are you as excited as I am to see where this leads us?


