Quality Assurance
What is Quality? Define Quality.
According to Google, The quality of the product is always used as a standard to measure something against other things that are of a similar kind. The one that is better than the other will be called of good quality.
?What is Quality Assurance or QA? Define Quality Assurance
Quality assurance (QA) is a term used in tech industries to define the activity of testing the service or product that is provided to the user to make sure it is of the best quality and releasable in the marketplace. This process is also referred to as QA testing or Quality assurance testing.
This process of quality assurance is vastly used in Tech industries. Companies often hire QA engineers or create Quality assurance teams, to check and analyze the new software thoroughly before handing it over to the client. The activity of quality assurance (QA) is done by test engineers, they build up different testing scripts to run through the software or product, to make sure there is no error or any bugs in the system. This software is often known as quality assurance testing software. It is a test engineer’s job to make sure that the software is ready and safe to hand over to the user. Quality Control (QC) is done to see if the software or service matches the company’s standard quality.
?If you think about it there is a great difference between quality control and quality assurance. What is assurance? The word assurance means that it is guaranteed that the product or service that is provided to the user is thoroughly checked and will work perfectly as per requirements. The word Quality Assurance means that it includes the process of software quality checking from its design to its release. This not only checks the performance, efficiency, and functionality of the software but also the checking and testing of the process that is used to develop and test the software.?Whereas in quality control it is only seen if the quality of the software passes or matches the standard level that is determined by the company.?
Difference between Quality assurance and quality control (QA vs QC)
What are the various attributes of software for quality assurance?
The quality of the software is determined based on how easily it functions with other components of the website.
The quality of the software to be reliable enough to work under certain conditions.
The quality of the software determines how easily a user can use and understand the software.
The quality of the software to load up on the website using the minimum amount of data and time.
The quality of the software determines how easily it adapts to the changes that are made to it.
?The process of Quality assurance is a Managerial level task. It is a managerial tool to verify not only the quality of the product but the managerial part of it also sees that it stays within budget and period time. This process is called Quality Assurance Management.?
For a long time, there has been only one certain method for quality assurance, First, the software is built completely and then QA is planned for it. Different testing scripts are written by the testing engineer and then they are run through the program to see if any errors occur. For complex software, complex scripts are written so as to make sure that every error is reported. If any error is found, it is immediately taken into account and the team starts solving it. This whole process of testing and servicing takes up a lot of time in the schedule and not the mention the extensive cost. The process of quality assurance is often found to be very expensive.
?But since recent times, companies have found a new way to deal with this problem. It is now found in practice at several companies that they include the test engineer from the beginning in the team. This way the test engineer haves a deeper knowledge of the software from the beginning only which helps him in making test scripts based on it. These scripts can be reused until the software is released. This practice has proved to be quite successful in saving a lot of time and resources.
?Quality assurance focuses on the proper development and running of the software. It is a very crucial step in the process of software development. It concerns over the quality of the product to make sure the client gets the best service. ?
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