Quality and AI: Friends or Foes?
When we think of AI, speed is often the first thing that comes to mind with quality a distant second. But there are ways that AI can help improve overall quality and that is what we will explore a bit in this month’s newsletter.??
Enjoy this sneak peek at one of the articles that will be featured in our print magazine, “Global Ambitions: Windows into the Future,” which will be distributed along with the September issue of Multilingual Magazine . Here are some insights on “Redefining the Human’s Place in the Loop” by Kate?ina Ga?ová .??
The content creation and transformation cycle of the future (where translation and localization are just one part of it) will be heavily streamlined and automated, with technology being at the center of orchestrating the work. That’s one of several possible futures. Until we get there, however, making AI fit into the processes we built over decades is a distinctly human challenge.?
Here’s the crux: Humans learn and transfer knowledge differently than machines. We rely on intuition and holistic thinking to solve challenges. This is especially true of creative workers, such as linguists — they can call upon their vast contextual knowledge to situationally produce just the right and ultimately delightful translation. The machine, for now, doesn’t proceed in the same way.?
This is also why LLM-powered automated quality evaluation is at odds with human logic: Unless we humans change our approach (and I’ll get to what I mean by this in a short while), we will never be able to understand what’s behind the seemingly random score of 82 or 84 the machine produces when tasked with determining the segment quality (never mind the machine works off human-defined rules for scoring translation). It is unlikely any localization leader blindly trusts such output without guardrails in place. This brings me to the next big question that needs to be asked.?
When can you trust the machine??
You’ll note that the question I’m formulating is not whether we can trust the machine or not. The real question is being able to identify, on the fly, with the context and knowledge of the situation we have at any given moment, when we can trust the machine.?
Before offering a firm answer, let’s bring our work back to the basics. Language industry professionals do their work for the human. Humans — end-users — are at the end of the funnel, the ultimate beneficiaries of our expertise. There’s also the idea that humans still prefer human-created content. AI bias may be real and will remain something that shapes our attitudes toward and interactions with AI-powered technology.?
But if you consider much of the latent debate about quality, it is concentrated on the quality of the final result. I think this view is unnecessarily limiting, especially in the context of working with the black box that AI currently represents for most of us.??
Instead, I would advocate for defining quality at every step of the process until you reach the final result, i.e., the translated word, the quality of the system you built, the quality of the data set it uses, the quality of the people who interact with the system, the quality of the collaboration between the people who design and use the system, etc.?
Quality is an inherent component of every step in the sequence, and not just when the translation happens. It’s the sum of the parts that make or break the result. Historically, buyers have been deciding about their localization operation (or any business operation!) based on a set of variables — cost, time, quality — and, usually, compromises are involved.?
This will continue to be how it’s done. The answer to the question of when to trust the machine goes through contemplating the place and role of the human first (back to the idea of human-machine synergy) and comes with a series of smaller questions you will need to ask:?
- When do you need the human in the process??
- What is the quality of the human (i.e., what are their qualifications or how good are they at what they do)??
- What are your requirements and expectations — from the system, AI tech, and result that will appear in your product??
- When do you know you’ve done enough to manage risk and make end-users happy??
What pathway is there for humans to evolve??
Stay tuned for the full article in our Global Ambitions publication in September. We will share a link to download in our September LinkedIn newsletter.??
Language Companies and the Generative AI Boom - Multilingual Magazine
How AI is Transforming Content Localization and Translation - Chase Gison
Generative AI Localization - XTM
AI Automation Barometer Report - GALA Global
Does AI equate to quality right off the bat? No, it does not. But when used correctly, it can help boost quality across your translation and localization workflows, leading to a better final product faster than traditional methods. There is a lot here still to learn and experiment with, but the future looks ripe with possibilities.??