Qualities of Source Energy
Darcy S Clarke
Psychotherapist, Addiction Specialist, Life/Spiritual Coach: Living in Alignment.
In a previous blog, I identified the term “Source energy” to name the power that is greater than the resources of your egoic mind/ intellect. This power is consciousness itself ! It doesn’t matter if you identify with this power as an entity and or as an energy or for that matter what name you use to refer to this power. What really matters is you know or come to know that this power is real, that you can live in partnership with this venergy, and that you can have a conscious experience of this vital relationship in your daily life! I have listed the noteworthy qualities of Source energy. Their definitions give voice to my personal experiences of the workings of Source energy in my life (affirmed by a countless number of people from all religious traditions and spiritual paths around the world).From the perspective of the Living in Alignment Model, Source energy is a benevolent, intelligent, interactive, ingenious, creative, omnipresent, unifying, self-generating energy system.
Benevolent: Source energy is a loving presence in our lives.
Intelligent: Source energy is the wellspring of universal wisdom.
Interactive: you can interrelate with Source energy energetically as well as physically in your relationships with all life forms (because you and all life forms are unique reflections of Source energy).
Ingenious: Source energy is highly skillful in its ability first to get the attention of, and then to work with your human self/ egoic mind.
Creative: Source energy is the life force energy inside you that you use to co-create.Omnipresent: Source energy is within everyone and everything. Unifying: Source energy illuminates your inter-connectedness with all life forms.
Self-generating energy system: Source energy is continuously unfolding, creating, and transforming. It is the matrix of life and infinitely abundant.
In addition, Source energy is not static, but in a constant state of evolution. The Living in Alignment process will offer you the opportunity to increase your understanding and subjectively experience these qualities and the workings of Source energy in your daily life. The Living in Alignment Program will assist you to identify how your egoic mind/ conditioning has a tendency to get in your way of accessing, deepening/ partnering, and or having a conscious relationship with Source energy in your daily life.
To learn more about the Living in Alignment Model please visit my website at www.darcyclarke.us