- Clarity of thought: In most cases, we came across eighter we want to do or we don't want to do; eighter we agree or we don't agree.; either It Is acceptable or It Is not acceptable. It has been seen that many HR Professionals are confused. They are not clear, about where they want to take their company. They don't know what role they like to play in the organisation. They don't have a clarity of role, and they don't have clear expectations, either from themselves Or from their team or from their internal customers (Employees). With this confusion, they fail to take a decision and they fail to take a stand.
- Efficiency in Time Management: HR Professionals are expected to be efficient in time management. They are expected to set a time frame and meet those expectations. Most of the time, have seen that they don't give any time limit. You approach them for any work and they respond by saying, "ok, it will be done". But when? I agree that "Good HR Professionals" have many things to do which takes lots of time. But all goals, commitments looks and good and are achievable if there is a closing date for that. Uncertainty, ambiguity, open-ended commitment and confusion are not expected from any HR Professional.
- Do not Compare two Individuals: Knowingly or unknowingly but quite often, instead of circumstances and situations, we tend to compare two different people. Instead of analysing the behaviour of a person, we tend to analyze them as an individual and take this as our right. The very basic principle of science and management says that no two individuals are the same.
- Knowing about the Business and Industry: Everybody should be aware of their strengths and weaknesses. They should be aware of what they want in their life and career. It is a well-known fact and has been proved in various surveys that HR professionals don't care to understand the business of the company and industry in which they are working.
- Vision and Goal for the Department, Team and Company: What do you want to do for the Organisation? Are you planning to implement the best HR Policy? Do you want to take your company to the “Best Place to Work” in India? Are you planning to hire the best talent from the Market? HR should have a vision for the organisation's perspective as well as HR perspective and goals for the department and team.?
- Coach and Mentor: We have heard many times that “Knowledge is wealth; the more you share the more you gain”. In the profession of HR, we are privileged where we can develop people, we can develop their careers and life. We can help them in changing their perception and behaviour. We can groom them so that they can be successful in their life. If 10 people will remember me for helping them in developing their life, I will consider my life as successful.?
- Self Discipline: This is again a common quality that everyone should have, irrespective of their respective professionals, but it is more applicable to HR professionals and is a must-have. They need to set standards for others to follow. They need to benchmark their own behaviour and if they start flowing with water things will go out of control. I have heard, people saying that am doing this or that because others are also doing it but that is not expected from an HR professional.?
- Trust Worthy: This is a very important quality and must-have for all HR professionals. Candidates, at the time of the interview, share important information with HR; employees share lots of information, personal, professional, ideas, suggestions dreams etc. Imagine if the HR professionals keep sharing that information with everyone will that employee ever come back to HR to share anything with him? Never, HR professionals need to win that trust and then maintain and keep that trust. If ever you break the trust, you will never be able to win it again.