Qualities of Leadership
? Enthusiasm. Can you think of any leader who lacks
enthusiasm? It is very hard to do so, isn’t it?
? Integrity. This is the quality that makes people trust
you. And trust is essential in all human relationships
– professional or private. ‘Integrity’ means both
personal wholeness and adherence to values outside
yourself – especially goodness and truth.
? Toughness. Leaders are often demanding people,
uncomfortable to have around because their
standards are high. They are resilient and tenacious.
Leaders aim to be respected, but not necessarily
? Fairness. Effective leaders treat individuals differently
but equally. They do not have favorites. They
are impartial in giving rewards and penalties for
? Warmth. Cold fish do not make good leaders.
Leadership involves your heart as well as your mind.
Loving what you are doing and caring for people are
equally essential.
? Humility. This is an odd quality, but characteristic
of the very best leaders. The opposite to humility
is arrogance. Who wants to work for an arrogant
manager? The signs of a good leader are a willingness
to listen and a lack of an overweening ego.
? Confidence. Confidence is essential. People will sense
whether or not you have it. So developing self-confidence
is always the preliminary to becoming a
leader. But don’t let it become overconfidence, the
first station on the track leading to arrogance.