To qualified for your own good? Read on.
I honestly feel for Megan. Been there, done that… Still feeling it.
The more refined we become, the more experience and knowledge we acquire (internationally and locally), the narrower our options seem to become. I do not feel it is because we are not good enough or experienced enough for the position but I feel that in many cases, it is because we have reached the 4,2,1 stage and competition is fierce at the 4,2,1 stage.
I tend to ask for feedback when not successful for a position that I have applied for. Even though most companies tow the generic response line, when pushed some personnel will give up a little more than they probably should. Without going to far into the myriad of reasons regurgitated, over qualified (to dangerous , manager is not as experienced as you) and culture/work ethic’s seemed to be consistent and worth mentioning. Australia seems to have a unique work ethic and defined culture. Quite similar to our USA compadre’s but very different from our European colleague’s.
“Can’t teach an old dog new tricks and if we cannot mould them into our type of success, best we not take any chances.”
At this stage of our career we become a threat rather than an asset to most managers or long term employee’s (unless they are correctly people trained to see above their our insecurities). My only addition to Liz's fine article is to follow the 3 P’s rule. Stock up on as much patience and perseverance as you can muster! Remember that your attitude and personality needs to be ever present. Confidence is the absence of doubt.
Thank you for you insight Liz Ryan. Gave me some great food for thought. Hopefully all that read my share will get as much out of it as I did. More please Liz.