Quadratic Mean
Quadratic mean :
Quadratic mean or also called root mean square (RMS), it's a type of mean like harmonic or geometric mean that we've already seen in previous articles.
The quadratic mean (rms) of a set of numbers is the square root of the sum of the squares of the numbers divided by the number of terms.
RMS is important in many branches of physics, chemistry and engineering, example; When you throw a ball it goes up in the air, slowing as it travels, then comes down again faster with the quadratic mean you can have an idea about the speed.
Formula :
Application :
Find the Root Mean Square of X, where X = [2, 3, 4, 7, 8]
Weighted quadric mean (discrete?):
Weighted root mean square (continuous):
Example in Python
import numpy as np
X = [2,3,4,7,8]
squared_X = [x ** 2 for x in X]
sum_squared = np.sum(squared_X)
a = sum_squared/len(X)
rms = np.sqrt(a)