QUA from Quantum Machines
True Quantum Computing
Quantum Wormhole is adopting Quantum Machines, QUA, as a standard universal language for Quantum Computing. QUA enables most complex quantum programs that are tightly integrated with classical processing and real-time decision-making. It allows a quantum computing software abstraction layer. Until now, most QC by IBM, Google, Microsoft, and AWS has its unique hardware, coded in the researchers' language of choice. The resulting process is too time-consuming and challenging to scale to more complex systems and algorithms. It uses QUA is the first language to combine universal quantum operations at the pulse-level, together with universal classical processes, namely, Turing-complete classical processing and comprehensive control-flow. From a technological and commercial perspective. XQP, to do the heavy lifting for optimizing the many entangled quantum and classical operations. QUA is qubit agnostic and supports all quantum processors.
Quantum computers are nothing like any other computer we use today. However, for the inception of QUA and its compiler XQP, inspiration was drawn from classical counterparts, which have become standards or widely established across the computing industry, such as NVIDIA's CUDA, Intel's X86, and Google's TensorFlow. These three languages are significantly different, illustrating the complexity and distinct approach required for quantum computing. It works with the entire spectrum of quantum hardware available today, including superconducting qubits, trapped ions & atoms, NV centers, quantum dots, and topological qubits. It is the combination of QUA's capabilities with an actual underlying processor, QM's Pulse Processor, which allows for QUA's fast adoption across the emerging quantum industry.