QTI's 2024 HR Trends Survey
It's here - QTI's annual HR Trends survey.
For over ten years, the results from this survey have provided employers with guidance on topics such as compensation, benefits, careers, employee well-being, diversity and inclusion, and workforce planning. With the workplace constantly transforming, having these insights allow organizations to pivot strategies and stay abreast of HR trends.
We invite you to share your insights on these important topics by participating in QTI’s 2024 HR Trends Survey.?It will take approximately 10-15 minutes, and all individual participant responses will be kept confidential. Aggregate survey results will be shared with survey participants. The survey completion deadline is August 4, 2023.
In addition, QTI will host a webinar in the Fall of 2023, at which time we will dig deeper into the essential findings and share strategies for 2024 and beyond. Stay tuned for more information soon.
Please click the "Start Survey" link below to begin the survey.
Check out last year's survey results in our eBook: A Reimagined Workplace: Fostering an Environment to Attract and Retain Top Talent.
Thank you in advance for your participation.