Q.System technology
The devastating wildfires in California are a wake-up call for all of us. Winds reaching 160 km/h, simultaneous multiple fires, and thousands of evacuees: Los Angeles is on the front lines of a battle against environmental disasters that we can no longer ignore.
Preventing and managing such emergencies is crucial, and technology can make a difference. It’s time to invest in advanced solutions that not only address crises but also prevent them. In this context, Hightek stands with communities and organizations, offering cutting-edge avionics technology to enhance safety in emergency operations. Our?Q.System technology?supports aerial vehicles in extreme conditions, improving obstacle visibility and the accuracy of water drops, even in strong winds and low visibility. Fire data is captured and transmitted in real time to decision-makers, aided by advanced AI algorithms and simulations that optimize intervention strategies. With over 600 active users in Europe and more than 2,500 flight hours dedicated to monitoring, firefighting, ISR, and search and rescue, Q.System technology is revolutionizing wildfire management, becoming a standard in the industry. We are already a reference point in various regions of Italy and Europe, continuously innovating to ensure rapid and safe emergency responses. Let’s invest in the future of environmental safety. Together, we can make a difference.
Sign up for the January 22nd webinar to discover Q.System technology --> https://www.dhirubhai.net/events/extremewildfireevents-webinar3-7280313518405341184/comments/
Awarded Best Product at the EUSPA CASSINI Challenges 2023
Part of top 20 startups for the 4th batch of CASSINI Business Acceleration Program from EUSPA
#Technology #Innovation #Sustainability #EnvironmentalEmergencies #Hightek #WildfireManagement #AI #QSystem??
Finanziato dal PR CAMPANIA FESR 2021-2027 – Asse I – Obiettivo Specifico 1.1 – Azione 1.1.3 Ammesso a finanziamento con Decreto Dirigenziale n. 344 del 18/07/2024