QRQC as a "atomic transformation" for people and companies
source: Microsoft Designer

QRQC as a "atomic transformation" for people and companies

by Jeser Madureira MSc.

Dear Pulse Community,

Welcome to our monthly article, as we continue our journey towards excellence in problem resolution and organizational effectiveness, let's explore the transformative synergy between two powerful frameworks: Atomic Habits? by James Clear and #QRQC – Quick Response, Quality Control.

The Golden Circle? Reimagined

In "Atomic Habits," James Clear introduces the concept of the Golden Circle, comprising three layers: Why, How, and What. Similarly, within QRQC, we find a comparable structure:

  1. SanGenShugi Culture (Why): At the core of QRQC lies the SanGenShugi culture, representing the fundamental beliefs, values, and identity of an organization. Just as the "Why" in Atomic Habits defines our deepest motivations and purpose, the SanGenShugi culture serves as the driving force behind our commitment to continuous improvement and quality excellence.
  2. QRQC Method (How): Much like the "How" layer in the Golden Circle, the QRQC method provides a systematic approach to drive PDCA methodology, problem resolution and process optimization. It outlines the steps and strategies for identifying root causes, implementing effective solutions, and driving sustainable change. By leveraging the QRQC method, organizations can translate their aspirations into actionable plans and tangible results.
  3. Outcomes (What): The outer layer of the Golden Circle represents the tangible outcomes and results achieved through our actions. Similarly, in QRQC, the outcomes are the tangible improvements in people's health & safety, wellbeing, operational efficiency, product quality, customer satisfaction, and overall organizational performance. These outcomes serve as the measure of our success and the realization of our goals.

Golden Circle - James Clear - source sloww.co

Harnessing the Power of Habit

Central to both Atomic Habits and QRQC is the recognition of the profound impact of habits on individual and organizational behavior. By understanding the principles of habit formation and leveraging the QRQC framework, organizations can cultivate a culture of excellence and continuous improvement.

I have only two methodologies: my eyes and my legs. These are all I need to see, to judge, to consider, to decide. This is the basis of SanGenShugi


QRQC Golden Circle - source QRQC Academy Latam

Benefits of Uniting Atomic Habits and QRQC

Some benefits of this approach can be clearly and psychologically observed into the individuals and companies that take the challenge to transform themselves:

Cultural: aligning SanGenShugi culture with the principles of habit formation enables organizations to foster a culture of accountability, collaboration, and innovation.

Operational Excellence: incorporating habit-based strategies into QRQC methodologies, organizations can streamline processes, improve working environment, eliminate waste, and enhance operational efficiency.

Continuous Improvement: synergy between Atomic Habits and QRQC facilitates ongoing learning, adaptation, and growth, empowering organizations to evolve and thrive in dynamic environments.

The purpose of setting goals is to win the game. The purpose of building systems is to continue playing the game. True long-term thinking is goal-less thinking. It’s not about any single accomplishment. It is about the cycle of endless refinement and continuous improvement. Ultimately, it is your commitment to the process that will determine your progress.

― James Clear, Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones

― James Clear

Atomic Habits principles and QRQC method represents a powerful approach to organizational transformation and problem resolution. Embracing a Golden Circle framework and harnessing the power of habit, organizations can unlock their full potential and achieve sustainable success.

Are you ready to embark on this journey of transformation with us?

#QRQC #AtomicHabits #ContinuousImprovement #Transformation

Hakim AOUDIA Agustin Lopez Patrick (Pat) A.

QRQC Academy

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