Are QR codes still relevant? Were they ever?
Julia Rosien
brand marketer | digital marketing & communications | strategic branding | storytelling & consumer experience
A few years ago, QR codes were "the next big thing" in digital marketing. Magical checkerboard squares decorated store windows, raw produce and even mattresses – all vying for attention everywhere we turned.
Marketers jumped on the QR code bandwagon but consumers weren’t as excited. According to a recent Restonic led Furniture Today survey of 750 female consumers, 92% of consumers never use a QR when shopping for a mattress.
The problem? Most QR codes direct consumers to a website, rather than an interactive, easy-to-use app, which leaves the consumer unsatisfied and often frustrated. But an app can be expensive to build and a drain on resources to monitor on a regular basis. So how can you improve your digital strategy – economically and effectively if you’re tight on resources?
Try these 6 tips
1. Create unique and short URLs for key web pages. Most smartphone users are accustomed to typing on a small screen – just make sure it’s easy to remember and to type.
2. Start a blog people want to read AND share. No one shares meh… Write content that’s engaging and packed with information to guide your customers to smart buying decisions. On the Restonic SleepBlog, we share a cornucopia of sleep-related information – and very little market-type content. The sharing on social media tells us we’re doing it right.
3. Publish on your blog regularly. Keep feeding them relevant content and ask in-store customers what questions they’d like answered on the blog.
4. Invest in a mobile site. According to the PBM survey, nearly two thirds of millennials (46% of GenXer’s and 26% of Baby Boomers) use their phones to shop for a mattress. But – and we found this truly shocking – only 3% of RSA’s always use their smartphone to help them sell a mattress (20% sometimes use their phones).
5. Pay attention to Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Branding matters when it comes to a sustainable SEO strategy. Your keywords should be like the energizer bunny and never give up.
6. Treat your social media channels with as much respect as you do your website. Practice smart SEO tactics. And remember to add rich media like video and pictures to keep your guests entertained – infotainment at its best.
As the Brand Director for Restonic and I’m thrilled to welcome you to our online world of supporting dreams, one mattress at a time. Want to know more about how a strong digital strategy can amplify your traditional marketing efforts? Connect with me on Twitter @JuliaRosien and let’s continue the conversation.