QPIP News Flash
Now given that the pandemic has loosened its stranglehold on so many activities, QPIP members can finally return to moving the profession forward. We are pleased to announce some of these activities below.
On 18 September 2023, out-going ISBQPIP Chair Bettina de Jong and in-coming ISBQPIP Chair, Linus Wretblad presented on the history, progress, and goals of the organization during a session hosted by the #ISBQPIP at the 15th Year Anniversary Conference of the Confederacy of European Patent Information User Groups (CEPIUG) in Milan. More than 150 patent professionals from all over the world attended this event. The presentation detailed statistics on the number of candidates who have taken the annual examination, plus the background on Professional Experience Recognition (PER). While already past for North America and Europe, it has recently been opened now for candidates in India. The session was completed by presentations from Michaela Graack Rasmussen and Davinia Collyer (Susan Helliwell commemorative award winner 2021 & 2022), followed by an award ceremony for the 2023 winner, Ekrem Ayhan ?akay . The presentations were well received by the audience with many questions and shared insights. All presentations can be downloaded from the QPIP website: https://www.qpip.org/documentation.
The Patent Olympiad, www.patentolympiad.org, was held just prior to the #CEPIUG meeting which was a fun event for patent searchers to test their skills in a competitive environment. Several QPIP members were involved in this activity and also the ISBQPIP supported the event by hosting the competition in the QPIP examination platform.
The Supervisory Council of QPIP are pleased to announce that the finances of the organization are sound and solid. Most funds come from registration fees of QPIP members. The accounting and funds are managed by the Treasurer with support from an outside auditor to confirm and validate the financial status.
QPIPs are reminded that they should keep their Continuing Professional Development (CPD) activities up to date. It is strongly recommended to keep track of the activities in one’s personal QPIP dashboard to avoid an audit for the organization to easily know the level of involvement. Per 2022, the number of required CPD points was increased from five (5) to ten (10) per year because of the increased availability of virtual CPD activities. Applicable activities can be found on the QPIP’s personal dashboard via ADD ACTIVITY or in Rule 23.7. They include for instance presenting a talk, reading articles, attending a class and helping the ISBQPIP organization with various activities such as drafting questions and marking QPIP certification exams (see https://www.qpip.org/frequently-asked-questions for a list of volunteer opportunities).
Currently, the accreditation committee of the ISBQPIP has been reviewing various training courses offered by third parties to help candidates prepare for the exam. Check out https://www.qpip.org/training for more information. We also announce that the next certification exam scheduled for 27 and 29 February 2024 is under development. Details on the exam can also be found at https://www.qpip.org/examination.
Note that the activities of the ISBQPIP are not possible without volunteer help and QPIPs are encouraged to engage. Not only will you be helping your profession, but you will also gain more CPD points than for other activities.
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