Survey Solutions for Hydrographic, Aerial and Oceanographic surveying.
In this article we shared some vital information which influences the choice of most hydrographic surveyors to prefer QINSY survey software over others. If your survey objective is to use one software system to collect bathymetry, sonar data and magnetometer data, process this data, produce charts or even produce S-57 Electronic Navigation Charts, then to be honest QINSY is your sure bet.
QINSy is a suite of hydrographic applications that covers whole range of activities, from data acquisition to chart production. Whether it is for dredging, multibeam bathymetry, oceanographic research, site surveys, rig moves, marine construction support, pipeline/cable lay or ROV inspection, QINSy offers effciency and reliability.
QINSy offers increased flexibility by being able to interface any sensor, whether is a GPS receiver, tide gauge, single or multibeam echo-sounder, side scan sonar system. QINSy offers a large variety of data exchange formats, such as DXF, S-57, XTF, GeoTIFF, GSF, BAG or ASCII, that allows you to exchange data with many other applications.
From scraping diamonds off the seabed to dumping rock on pipelines, from anchor handling to bathymetric or Side Scan Sonar surveys, its modular design and inherent flexibility makes QINSy perfect for a wide variety of applications;
? Hydrographic and Oceanographic Surveys
? Offshore Pipeline Inspection and Pipe-laying
? Dredging, Marine Construction including Offshore Oil and Gas
? ROV and AUV Tracking and Data Collection
? Barge, Tug and Fleet Management
? Chart and ENC Production
The key technology behind the success of QINSy is based on precise navigation, data acquisition, presentation, storage and processing large volumes of data all in real-time to produce almost final results on-the-go. This also includes techniques in real-time 3D visualization of the underwater environment.
As evidence of its extreme flexibility, and simplicity, QINSy is used onboard offshore construction vessels, pipe-lay barges, drilling rigs, seismic research vessels, dredgers and hydrographic survey vessels. Since its launch in 1996, QINSy has been become the standard in marine surveying, bathymetric chart production and ENC production.
QINSy provides the user a friendly turnkey solution, from survey planning to data collection, data cleaning, volume calculations and chart production. QINSy offers a seamless data flow using a large variety of sensors, all the way to a complete (ENC) chart product.
The software is not only independent of sensor manufacturer, but also hardware independent. QINSy runs on a standard PC platform under (64 bits) Windows (10) operating system.
QINSY is your total hydrographic solution.?
#Hydrocharting is your trusted survey partner and an official partner of #QPS.?
Do not hesitate to reach out us for further enquiries and purchase.
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