In 1980 when a group of enthusiastic students formed a parang group on the St. Augustine campus little did they envisage the long term effects of their initiative. From its humble origins, Los Parrranderos de UWI not only survived but also emerged as one of the premier parang groups on the national circuit. The past forty years have been a long and rewarding journey punctuated by several important milestones along the way.
In its early days, the band functioned primarily as a campus aggregation, performing at faculty concerts and shows. As such very few knew of the group’s existence outside the University fraternity. However, the year 1993 marked a major turning point in the evolution of the band as it witnessed its entry into the competition arena. Competition gave the group more national exposure. The many awards and accolades over the fourteen year competitive phase culminating in its emergence as National Parang Champions in 2006 made Los Parranderos de UWI a household name among parang aficionados.
The group’s increasing popularity catapulted it into the studio in 2003 to mark another milestone in its journey. Mi Parranda (2003) was the group’s first recording followed two other CDs to mark its 25th and 30th Anniversaries. In 2015 to commemorate its 35th Anniversary, the group launched a booklet/CD titled “Nuestra Cancion” outlining its history and achievements and featuring its most popular recorded slections. The recording process not only allowed the band to highlight its original compositions but also to pay tribute to some of the stalwarts and elders in the parang world. The fact that all the compilations continue to be seasonal best sellers is testimony to the success of the transition to a recording group.
The band accomplished another significant achievement when it was selected to represent Trinidad and Tobago at the Christmas Folk Festival in Curacao in 2007. It was the first time that the English speaking Caribbean was represented at the seven year old festival. Performing alongside groups from the Spanish and Dutch speaking Caribbean, the band proved to be worthy ambassadors and was invited to participate once again in 2008.
At the root of the band’s many accomplishments over the years has been the love and dedication of its successive members for the artform. In spite of the changing trends and numerous challenges that commitment to the preservation of parang music has remained constant over the group’s long journey. To hear the band either live or recorded is to be taken on a delightful musical journey that underscores our rich Hispanic heritage which was the very essence for the group’s formation.. The seed planted forty years ago when the journey began not only found fertile soil but has certainly mushroomed all because its sturdy roots run deep.
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