QCOM/MSFT ACPC: I don't buy it
Mike Feibus
President and Principal Analyst, FeibusTech. Also Columnist at USA Today Tech, MarketWatch, CIO Magazine
I have to admit, the Always Connected PC sounds enticing: an always-connected Windows 2-in-1 with 20 hours of battery life. Who wouldn't want that?
That was Qualcomm and Microsoft's assertion when they announced, in concert with OEM partners, the first ACPC devices built around Qualcomm's smartphone processors.
And of course, they're right: we all want that. The problem is, these ACPCs don't deliver that. Not without asterisks - compromises that grab the ACPC ideal down to a reality that's not nearly so palatable.
So I'm buying the ACPC value proposition. And neither should you. Read my latest CIO Magazine column to find out why.