Q&A with a Senior Children's Support Worker

Q&A with a Senior Children's Support Worker

Welcome to our May 2022 Blog. Recently, we sat down with one of our longest serving employees, Marie, to ask her some questions about her experiences working for Stepping Stones Care as she approaches her 2-year work anniversary.

Introduce yourself

I’m Marie and I work as a Senior Support Worker at Stepping Stones Care, working at Sandstone House in London.

What got you into Care?

I’ve always had the desire to support people. I started of my care role as elderly care worker which I thoroughly enjoyed and found to be very rewarding. After some time off having a family, I decided to return to the social care sector. I decided that I wanted to support children and young people as I myself had grown up with facing many obstacles, struggling with mental health and had grown up in a home where my parents battled with addiction. I had a strong mind-set that I wanted to support children and young people and support them to not feel alone.

What made you join Stepping Stones Care?

I joined Stepping Stones Care as right from the first moment I interviewed, it was clear that the Company was passionate about how they wanted to support the Children and Young People - they were at the heart of what the Company wanted to achieve.

I also felt that Stepping Stones Care was a company that would value their staff and take our opinions and ideas for the Company on board. Stepping Stones was at the time, a new company and had plans to progress with opening other homes, which would open doors for great opportunities and progression.

Tell us about your Journey at Stepping Stones Care

I started at Sandstone House in May 2020, during the height of the first COVID Lockdown, as a Residential Support Worker. Since then I have progressed to a Senior RSW. In the nearly 2 years I’ve been here I have enrolled on my Level 4, I had the pleasure of attending The National Children and Young People Awards where I won the “Support Worker Award” for the South of England. In October 2021 I was promoted to a Senior role and am thoroughly enjoying my position at Sandstone house. During my time here I have supported some fantastic Young People who in turn have also taught me many great things and I look forward to meeting and supporting more Young People in the years to come.

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What are your highlights of the last 2 years?

I think the biggest highlight for me was when a Young Person (who I was their keyworker) came back to visit us. She had so many positive things to say about the care she received at Sandstone House and even quoted “this is definitely the best home that I’ve been in since being in care”. When asked why she thought that? she replied “because of the support that I was given and I know that you all really do care”. I’m sure that I can speak on behalf of the Team and Management that this is some of the best feedback that you can receive.

What do you wish to achieve over the next few years?

My first thing will be to finish my Level 4 qualification in the next couple of months. After that I hope to continue supporting Young People to achieve their aspirations and goals while also finding their independence and their own identity. And lastly I hope to help support newly recruited staff in the any new homes that Stepping Stones Care open in the London region.

Where do you see Stepping Stones Care in 5 years time?

I see Stepping Stones Care having all homes rated Outstanding. I feel that this is achiveable due to Stepping Stones always looking to exceed the standards that are set out by the Children’s Homes Regulations. I find that staff and management work incredibly well not only together but also with outside agencies in working to deliver a great service to the Children and Young People that are placed with us.

Is there anything else you’d like to say?

I want to say that Stepping Stones Care is somewhere I feel that I am not only part of a great team, but feel that Sandstone House has been like a second family to me. Staff and Management not only care and support the Young People but are also caring and supportive of each other.

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