Q&A with Pillar Legal
游戏产业法律峰会 (Games Industry Law Summit)
A collaborative community of games industry's top legal professionals from 56 countries, powered by two annual events.
We're pleased to introduce one more partner of this year's Summit: Pillar Legal, P.C. . The firm operates from its offices in ???? San Francisco and ???? Shanghai, providing a unique perspective on the transpacific transactions:
?? How would you define your firm’s?core expertise?
– Pillar Legal, P.C. focuses on cross-border game industry transactions in the U.S. and China. We advise on corporate transactions such as mergers and acquisitions, financings and investments. We also assist with ongoing game industry legal matters in both the U.S. and China, such as game development and publishing agreements, market entry and regulatory compliance.?
Our integrated team includes both U.S. and China-trained attorneys, enabling us to identify and resolve issues that might be missed by attorneys familiar with just one jurisdiction. We know both where you are coming from, and where you are going to, which helps us provide legal guidance when crossing the Pacific.??
?? What about some of the special features, any particular synergies?
–?We provide big law firm service through our boutique law firm network. Large law firms have thousands of lawyers covering many specialties. We have crafted a network of boutique partner firms that specialize in areas that we do not, such as tax, patents and trademarks. When we need those specializations in a transaction, such as a material merger or acquisition, we bring our relevant partner firm into the working group.?
In addition, with our founding partner, having over twenty years of game industry experience, we are familiar with many leading international game companies and with various market practices in both the U.S. and China.?
?? Most transactions and partnerships in the games industry are cross-border. Outside of China and the U.S., are there any regions where you partner with other law firms the most?
– Pillar Legal, from our founding 15 years ago in Shanghai, has always been internationally focused. Over the years we have worked with partner firms in many jurisdictions, with the most frequent cooperation involving the common jurisdictions for offshore holding companies of China businesses – Hong Kong, Singapore, Cayman Islands and the British Virgin Islands.?
?? Where is the firm based, and who's the best contact for all the games industry matters?
– San Francisco and Shanghai.
Greg Pilarowski leads our ???? San Francisco Bay Area office, and Chao Yu leads our ???? Shanghai office.