Q&A with Mark Simons – Energy Traders Europe Board Member
Energy Traders Europe
Building trust in power and gas markets across Europe to enable the transition to a #carbonneutraleconomy
What sparked your interest in pursuing a career in energy?
I have two sparks. The first one was the TV show 'Dallas' – J.R., Southfork, the Oil Baron's Ball, the theme tune and opening credits. I loved it. The second was studying politics and economics at university – I was desperate to work in an industry with a geopolitical dimension. There was only one choice... the energy industry.?
What was your first job?
My first job of any consequence was as a 20 year old selling books door to door in California on a commission only basis. Being thousands of miles from home and dependent on sales for an income meant I had no option but to learn how to sell and influence people to buy books. It was a life changing experience and fundamental to getting on BP's commercial graduate scheme.
Tell us something about yourself that would surprise most people who know you.
My trivia knowledge is phenomenal. Especially on history, politics, music and the stars of screen and stage. Give me a call if you need a ringer for your pub quiz team.
What role do you envision energy traders playing in driving the transition to a more sustainable energy future?
The purpose of Energy Traders Europe is not to shape Europe's energy and climate policy. Its role is to push for efficient, transparent and competitive traded markets, free of distortions that may disincentivise participation or the booking of capacity to enable energy to flow to where it is most needed.?
If you could have dinner with one historical figure, who would it be??
My shelves at home groan under the weight of heavy hardback history books. The historical figure that dominates many of those books is Winston Churchill. His perspectives on geopolitics today would be fascinating. The dinner would have to be roast beef, washed down with copious drinks.
As a Board member, what key responsibilities do you hold to effectively contribute to the association's success?
I am the current Chair of the Oversight Committee that exists to ensure the good governance and efficient operation of the association. In the last year this has included a major simplification of the bye-laws of Energy Traders Europe and helping to resolve some problems to enable the association to be best placed to serve its increasing membership.
What is one of your proudest achievements, and what lessons did you learn from it?
So far in my career I have been made redundant twice. Firstly, I was in the wrong place at the wrong time and secondly, I was a take-over synergy. Redundancy can destroy lives, but through hard work, eternal networking and deep resilience I have not only survived redundancy, but grown and prospered.?
What principles and ethical considerations guide your approach to Board responsibilities and decision-making?
With my Energy Traders Europe Board hat on, it is really important to be impartial and considerate to all the different types of members. I also feel that it is essential that the Board ensures the Secretariat has sufficient capacity and motivation to serve the 170+ members.
How do you stay abreast of the latest industry trends, developments, and market dynamics to ensure informed decision-making?
I am a news obsessive, but I don't have the time to get into the detail of every energy price movement. I find that by participating in conferences and talking to experts I can stay abreast of the key trends. Energy Traders Europe has asked me to present gas market fundamentals to regulators and MEPs more than once, so I must sound like I know what I am talking about.
What are some of your favourite hobbies or activities to unwind and relax?
Skiing, surfing, photography and spending time with friends and family.
What major trends are shaping the European energy sector in 2025, and how are these trends influencing trading strategies?
The key dynamic in the coming years will be what influence the US has on Europe's energy philosophy. It is becoming increasingly clear that the US and rest of the World are not ready to follow Europe's climate leadership. Does Europe stick with its climate leadership or relax its net zero ambitions in an effort to increase its global competitiveness, support local industry and improve living standards via lower energy prices?
This question goes far beyond the remit of Energy Traders Europe, but could result in significant change to Europe's gas, power and carbon markets in the coming years.
Can you give us a peek into what’s on your bucket list?
Number one on the list is an east coast to west coast road trip in the USA.?