Q&A with Dr. Mara Lederman
Joanne Goveas (she/her)
I work with organizations to develop exceptional leaders
Artificial intelligence and machine learning are important trends for leaders to be ahead of. The course will provide an intuitive introduction to these technologies and insight into where and how these technologies will have an impact.
Use a data-driven approach to critical decisions.
Why is a program called “data literacy’ important for leaders?
It is no longer possible for leaders to ignore data. As more and more economic and social activity moves online, the amount of data and types of data that organizations have access to continues to grow. This data can be an enormous asset if organizations know what to do with it.
Investments in technology and analytical talent aren’t enough. Leaders and managers – i.e.: business decision-makers – need to understand enough about data and analytics to determine how data can be useful to their organization. Put simply, they need to be able to answer the following question: What do we want to know from our data. And for that, they need a basic level of data literacy.
What will people come away better prepared to do after this program?
People will leave the program better able to direct their organization’s data efforts and investments. They will understand the different ways data can be used and should be able to identify immediate opportunities to utilize data in their organization.
At the end of the program, participants will feel more confident in their ability to interact with and manage analysts. They will appreciate that most of the critical skills that leaders need around data are thinking skills, not technical skills. Rotman’s Data Literacy program will de-mystify many of the analytics buzzwords and techniques that they’ve probably heard of.
Who should take this program?
This program is not designed for data analysts or Chief Data Officers but will be useful to almost anyone in varied roles from a range of industries including corporate, government and non-profit sectors. This program is ideal for anyone who:
- Possesses data that is not being maximally exploited
- Regularly receives data and/or reports
- Wants to integrate data and analytics into decision making for themselves or their group
- Is trying to build more data-driven and evidence-based teams
- Needs to engage with data and analytics in order to carry out their role
What are some data trends senior leaders need to be aware of in the next five years.
Artificial intelligence and machine learning are important trends for leaders to be ahead of. The course will provide an intuitive introduction to these technologes and insight into where and how these technologies will have an impact. Leaders also need to be thinking about the talent they need around data for the next five years. There are a growing number of undergraduate and graduate programs in the areas of analytics. Leaders need to be able to articulate the skillset that they are looking for because the tools are changing very quickly. Leaders also need to be thinking about how they will measure and evaluate the success of their efforts in the area of data analytics.
Rotman's Data Literacy Program runs April 24-26!