QA Consciousness
Avanish P.
Azure Devops E2E Automation | Leading Automated Software Testing Services Provider | Human-First Testing, Quality-Driven Approach
One very important characteristic that really puts some QA engineers way above others and that’s ??#awareness
It’s about switching off auto-pilot and sitting upright in the driver’s seat again. It’s about quieting the endless chatter that occupies our minds every moment of every day. Consider your response with wisdom, accepting ‘what is’ with a sense of gratitude?
??BE ALERT: You need to notice any kind of unusual software behavior immediately so that you could investigate at once if it’s a bug?? To put in another way around when you lack awareness, be it permanently or momentarily, that’s when bugs slip right through your fingers.
??LETTING GO: Letting go of your previous software using patterns is also very important. Clicking OK on a popup without reading what it says and wondering why it came up in the first place is a pattern once should be disposed when doing QA
??HEIGHTENED SIGHT OF CONSCIOUSNESS - Top QA testers can see things from different perspectives, most importantly the user’s perspective, but also a programmer’s, and the manager’s. They have a great instinct whether the feature they are testing makes sense for the users for which it was intended for in the first place rather than some developer’s fantasy. They can communicate information in a non- violent way for all sides involved, and have some empathy for them all.
So, the question is how to raise your QA awareness?
??Be the watcher
??Trust your instinct
??To really become aware though, in all fields of life, there’s nothing like meditation.
I am writing this to share my experience and encourage testers to try meditation. But also wanted to ask if any of you have other ways of getting into your zone and concentrating.
If you do, please share this as a comment to this post.
I am sure other testers will benefit from your experience, as some will hopefully benefit from mine??
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