Q&A Central presents - An Important Update from Ane Wiese
Hey there,
Thank you for subscribing to my newsletter! I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for your interest in what I have to share and that you want to connect with fellow marketing specialists worldwide.
I have to admit, I'm truly thrilled with the response this newsletter has received so far. While the total subscribers may not seem like a massive number to some, it means the world to me. It's amazing to see the growth after just three newsletters. I've been pleasantly surprised by the DMs I've received about it too. And the positive reception to my invitations to partake in Q&A's have been incredible. I genuinely appreciate all of it.
I've realized that I've started the newsletter without a proper introduction, so I thought that today's newsletter would be the perfect time to do it.
So here is what's in store for the next two months. You're in for a treat! I can't wait to share some fantastic marketing Q&A sessions with you. We'll be covering various marketing topics, exploring different perspectives, and gaining valuable insights.
But before we get into that, I want to share the story behind why I started this newsletter and what I have planned going forward.
Q&A Central came to life because it perfectly captures the essence of my evolving career. While my background lies in SEO, I've grown beyond that over the years. Marketing strategy and execution management have become significant aspects of my work. This means I have the privilege of collaborating with brand managers, CMOs, heads of marketing, and even startup founders, helping them create tailored strategies and actionable plans to meet their unique needs.
Throughout my journey, I've had the pleasure of meeting incredibly talented individuals and gaining firsthand insights into the inner workings of various brands' marketing activities. There is a wealth of knowledge and experiences to share. Rather than just offering my own expertise, I wanted to provide you with a peek behind the curtain and present insights from other marketing professionals.
Going forward, my Q&A sessions will feature marketing experts from around the globe. Each session will provide a concise yet comprehensive snapshot of their day-to-day experiences, lessons learned from campaigns, what worked, what didn't pan out as expected, and even their recommendations for inspiring videos, podcasts, and books.
The goal is that you, the reader, can takeaway something new from each newsletter that I share. Something that you can share or apply yourself. I don't want to share full case studies and results, because I believe that it's specific to a brand, their particular budget and situation. And I don't want to add on to the sea of posts that sets unrealistic marketing expectations.
There's so much more in store for Q&A Central, and I'm thrilled to have you on this journey with me. Your support means everything. Thank you to all the subscribers who have joined me so far, and get ready for an exciting ride ahead!
Kind regards,
Ane Wiese
*PS: I used ChatGPT to help me with the grammar and some sentence construction, because I didn't kiss the Blarney Stone and therefore lost out of receiving the gift of the gab ??