Q3 Newsletter - 2023
As we enter the second half of the year we reflect on all that we have accomplished in Q2. Our team dived into two personal development book clubs, officially wrapped up Mortgage Madness, and we kicked off Summer Closingfest! Within the last quarter we continue to take #TexasTakeover to the next level as we added 16 new loan originators to our NXT team. Amongst our new additions, we also hosted a few local events and launched two team events that will continue throughout the summer!
Our Director of Engagement, Josh R. and the Support Team launched NXT Gatherings and Summer Closingfest this past quarter for our team. NXT Gatherings is a monthly team bonding event at different social places around the DFW Area, we held our first NXT Gathering at the Chicken N Pickle! Summer Closingfest is a eight week event where the NXT team is divided equally into teams and the team that closes the most loans by the end of the summer wins it all. There are weekly mini challenges and events. To close out Summer Closingfest and determine the 2023 champion, we are hosting our annual Field Day Event at the end of the summer!
Among the social events, our team attended a few local events around the DFW area. A big group of us were present at yearly Next Level Live event in Grapevine, Texas. Another handful of our team got their bowling shoes on and attended the Women's Council of Realtors Fort Worth Tarrant for hosting their 2nd Annual Bowling Tournament where we placed 1st and 3rd. We ended our trail of social events at the office while we hosted our Spring Portraits and Pizza event!
We ended the quarter hosting the Level Up Sales Workshop with Rene Rodriquez at NXT HQ! This incredible team of coaches spent the end of the week preparing for our exclusive UMortgage sales coaching program launching SOON!
To stay updated on all things?#TexasTakeover?and our upcoming events in Quarter Two make sure to follow our social media pages!