Q3 2023 Review

Q3 2023 Review

The original opening covered the latest FDA PMA, and the secure future it promises. However, on the morning of October 7th, Israel was brutally invaded by terrorists who brought with them an evil we thought no longer existed.

We stand with Israel in these extremely difficult times, pray for the safe return of the abductees and our soldiers and share the pain of those who have lost people close to them.

Even during this time of great sadness, we continue to look forward, knowing that the future will be a more secure place, both in the physical and cyber realms. Just as we always have, we’re bringing you the latest product security news so you can ensure that the devices people depend on remain secure.

You take care of your products, we’ll keep you up to date in the world of product security. Have something you’d like to see? Let us know.

Below, some of what you need to know:

  • FDA Premarket Authorization - this time it’s for real
  • CISA’s SBOM and VEX requirements
  • Industrial-strength product security

-- Rafi Spiewak, Director of Content

What's abuzz, Product Security?

The FDA's September 2023 Premarket Cybersecurity Guidance: A Closer Look

While much of the latest guidelines remain the same, there are some key differences that medical device manufacturers and their vendors must be aware of. Read now

Something for everyone

What the experts are saying

Industrial Device Security: 2023 Survey Report

Understand the state of industrial device cybersecurity from over 200+ product security experts working in the field today. Download the report

Dive Deeper with a webinar

Stay in the know

Jet Optoelectronics Case Study

From the early days of Jet Optoelectronics , their team set out to make the most reliable in-vehicle entertainment system. Read about how they achieved scalable product security and compliance in our latest case study.

More expert insights

Class is in session

The Cybellum Academy

The Cybellum Academy is now open to customers and partners. Classes include:

  • SBOM management - SBOM generation and management and the full product security walkthrough including automated workflows to better manage resources.
  • Vulnerability Management - Dive into identifying and mitigating vulnerabilities of devices in development and postmarket.
  • Product-Level Management - Gain a comprehensive bird's-eye of all product risks and the threats they pose to the organization.

Read the full release

Talk to us

The FDA’s Refuse to Accept deadline has come and gone. Are you ready for what happens next? Have a look at our Product Security Platform to see if you can achieve your device security goals and satisfy compliance requirements.



