Q1 2019 – A First-Quarter ‘To-Do’ Event Guide for PA's and EA's
The weather’s turned, there’s a definite chill in the air. With just a few short weeks to go until Santa takes to the skies (and your staff to the Christmas party dance floor), we’re hedging our bets that you’ve got the champagne in ice and every element of your festivities organised (but if you haven’t, you may want to hotfoot it over to our indoor party page).
Looking ahead to the new year and the next 12 months, you may want to get ahead with our first quarter event guide.
January - Get set for your best conference yet with the right choice of venue
Steel yourself – it may only be January, but conference season is fast approaching. With a flurry of events that take place in the summer, you may have just six short months to find the perfect venue for your conference (and book it, before another company does). We can work with you to find your perfect venues, negotiate brilliant rates and get your dates locked in - and what's even better - it's a totally free service. Here’s our tick list for picking the perfect venue for your needs.
February - Get them on their feet with an invigorating conference energiser
With your venue picked with pain staking care, now’s the time to consider the conference energiser. For breaking-ice and forging bonds, we’d recommended stomping The Haka, making music with Boomwhakers or getting a beat going with Conference Drumming.
Mix this month’s management meeting up
By March, Q1 has all but come to a close – making it time for a management meeting to put 2019 progress under the spotlight. Want to go beyond the boardroom this year? Our venue finding service can discover the perfect place to gather around the table, while our events could see your CEO creating cupcakes, or your C-Suite making their way through the Crystal Maze.
Prefer to stay at your corporate HQ? Many of our events can come to you. Ask us about it.
March - Ramp up for the AGM
March is AGM month and there’s a lot to do. Along with the agenda, the accounts and sending the notice of the meeting, you’ll also need to think about the venue and how you can lighten the tone after the serious business of facts, figures and forecasts.
Here are some Accolade events that could liven up your AGM: Crashing Singing Waiters | Back to School Party Theme | The Haka
From January to December, we provide a full 12 months of boosted team spirit, sparkling corporate celebrations and fantastic fundraisers.
Think we can help in 2019? Call the Accolade team today on 0800 083 1172 or send us a message over on our contact page.