Q: Why Do Realtors Have a Preferred Lender?
Michael Wieczorek
Owner @ Your Lender Mike | Business Development Manager /Sr. Loan Officer
Some people may wonder why real estate agents have preferred lenders they work with and recommend to their clients. We recently had the pleasure of joining my friend Mike Zapart, a phenomenal Chicago Realtor, on his blog to talk about our close professional partnership. Not only can Mike offer more discounts by having a trusted lender like me on his side, but we also provide him with a direct line to the most reliable information about lending, mortgages, and more. To learn more about the value of having a preferred lender and why now is a perfect time to revisit your mortgage position, watch this short video.
Learn more: https://yourlendermikevideoblog.com/q-why-do-realtors-have-a-preferred-lender.html