Q. Why did it NOT go Further? A. Simple'sss, Fear of Litigation !!!

Just not in the interests of Dot Gov and Big business employers to admit to sustaining a position of denial and omission since the 1990's that "eye-strain, Computer Vision Syndrome and/or Screen Fatigue" result in Visual Repetitive Stress Injuries.

Even the World Health Organisation, in it's 10th revision of their International Classification of Diseases recognises Asthenopia (monocular 2D vision) as a Global Pandemic exacerbated by sub-optimal display screen ergonomics.

The manufacturers ensured their screens could be ergonomically adapted, customised or optimised for the user operator early on, well before the 1998 PUWER Act covering the provision and use of equipment as a regulation just, not something that was followed through by Government and/or their Health & Safety Agencies and therefore not included in the 1993 UK DSE Risk Regulations for the H&S occupational health industry has had NO legal requirement to implement.

Even the Health & Safety Executive commissioned a Medical Review published in 2007, the "Better Display Screen RR 561" concluding that, the regulations did "little or nothing" to prevent or even mitigate the occupational health injuries to some 58% of DSE operators in the workplace reporting experiencing the debilitating symptoms eye-strain, CVS or Screen Fatigue yet, to this date have done nothing and admit that they do not even have any plans to do something, anything to mitigate the known predictable high risk of injury.

They do however, state in their April 2017 Safety Alert that they will be reviewing their position in 2019 so, there is, perhaps too little too late for millions, the possibility that they may now reconsider their denial and omissions to do something over 10 years later regardless of the weight of scientific evidence that the visual RSI's were foreseeable!

Of course, in addition to self-harming presenteeism resulting in self-medication there are the longer latency risks of the stress response system GAS (General Adaptation Syndrome) resulting in Asthenopia the generic heading for the presentation of binocular disruptions.



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