Q for Quality
I have heard countless time about the word quality, but when you actually ask someone, what is quality they struggled to answer just like me.
Thats were I understood, you can’t practice quality until you define the word in simple.
It could have been an easy source, to find in google the meaning, but the purpose is not fulfilling as it doesn’t make you understand the word quality. So continued asking questions with lot of enthusiasm, so as many as 100 answered and everyone was different in their own way and few didn’t understand the meaning of word, but they are practicing quality in their everyday life.
At last, Quality was defined as “guidelines to achieve consistency in what you deliver or do”, where as guidelines are set of procedures and measures used in comparing your proposed action or outcome.
Now this is a biggest reminder for me, rather than talking to someone about quality, it is important to provide guidelines and measure to compare the action and outcome. This will increase consistency and so called quality.