Q: How do I get started performing consultative examinations for Social Security Disability?
Referral Source Spotlight: Social Security disability
Question: How does a physician, psychologist or speech language pathologist get started performing consultative examinations for Social Security Disability?
Answer: You have some options. The best place to start is to contact a "PRO" (Professional Relations Officer) at the Disability Determination Service (DDS) nearest you. You can find them here on Social Security's website. Look up their contact information and reach out and talk to them about performing disability evaluations or even performing file review at the DDS itself.
You can talk to the PRO about contracting directly with the DDS in your state/area to perform CE's in your own office. If you don't have an office talk to the PRO anyway- they may know other professionals in your area who may be willing to let you use their office. Those professionals might get a facility fee or otherwise receive compensation for you to use or lease space in their office when they are not using it. You can also look into leasing part-time office space or getting a virtual office plan from a company like Regus. Companies like Regus might also have multiple locations that you can use if you are willing to travel and perform examinations in different locations around your state.
If you don't want to contract with the Social Security DDS directly and don't want to work out office space arrangements yourself (and don't mind sharing a cut of the proceeds) you can look into companies who have already contracted with the DDS to provide examinations in various areas. These are companies like The IMA Group as well as Mednick Associates.
If you have questions related to Social Security disability feel free to let me know. I've consulted inside a state DDS since 2004. You can message me here or email [email protected]
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