Python Session Overview
Sakshi Agrawal
immediate joiner | Backend Developer | Java |Spring Boot|Microservices|Hibernate|Jenkins|Bitbuket|Kubernetes|kafka|Putty|Cassandra|Software Engineer
Hello to all my Reader
As you see my daily updates regarding my new work as a Python faculty in CCCGadarwara [Christ Church Convent Gadarwara] . Below I am sharing the day one detail and workshop complete update. Please have a glance on it Hope you all might be benefited through it.
Day 1 [1/May/2022]
In this session we discuss the Introduction to language and the importance of it, with respect to it we choose Python as our core topic. So lets get start the discussion.
What is language?
To communicate with the computers, we need some special languages which are called programming languages. Or it use to translate source code(normal English) to Machine Understandable (0's and 1's) form.
Types of Languages?
Low-Level Language=>A low level language is a programming language that is machine dependent. A program written in machine dependent language runs only on one particular type of computer. There are two categories of low-level languages.
Machine language => It is in a for of 0's and 1's.
Assembly language => It takes Add A, Sub as S.
High-level language=> High-level language is a programming language that enables a programmer to write programs that are machine independent. this type of languages are considered as high -level languages because they are closer to human language and away from machine languages.
Ex => java, python etc.
What is language Translator?
A language translator is a software that converts a high-level language into machine language.
1. Assembler - An assembler is a program used to translate language into machine language so that the can understand it. The assembler enables the computer to convert the assembly language instructions into machine code, i.e 0's and 1's.
2. Compiler - A compiler is a software that converts the entire source program into machine language before executing it. It converts the entire high-level language into machine language at once. It displays the error for the whole program together.
3. Interpreter - An interpreter is also a separate software that convert the entire source code program into machine language before executing it. It translates and execute one statement at a time. It displays the errors one line at a time and it goes to the next line only after the error is corrected.
What is python?
Python is a popular high-level language. It is a powerful language used for general purpose programming. Python was developed by Guido van Rossum. He started applying Python in 1989. Python is extensively used to develop:
1.Games 2. website 3. Graphical User interface programs 4. web application.
What are Features of Python?
Installing Python:-
Step1:- Open the website-
Step2:- Click on Download Python 3.8.3 button.
Step3:-Double-click on the downloaded software. You can either look at the bottom of the screen on locate the software in the Downlaods folder of the computer. The Security Warning dialog box appears.
Step4:- Click on Run button. The Python Setup window appears.
Step5:- Select the Add Python 3.8 to PATH checkbox.
Step6:- Click on Install Now button.
After a few seconds, Python will be successfully installed on your computer.
Conclusion:- We got some more awareness regarding the language in programming world as with this knowledge we are ready for the implementation of our first program.
Thanks For Reading
Published By: Sakshi Agrawal
Date: 1/May /2022