Python Rocks

Python Rocks

Quick Quiz: Was Python named after the snake or after the comedic group Monty Python? (Answer is at the end of the blog.)

Python is one the easiest languages to learn, due to its simplicity, readability and straightforward syntax. Additionally, it is excellent for Rapid Application Development, (RAD). RAD is a software development methodology that uses minimal planning in favor of rapid prototyping.

Python has an interpreter and an extensive standard library that does the heavy lifting which can be used with all major platforms without charge and is available in source or binary form. It also works well as a scripting language to automate tasks and tools to enhance your array of resources. Being able to write your own scripts is essential and puts you way ahead of the curve. Python scripts can be used in nearly every job function.

Python is hands down my favorite programming language because of the high throughput since there is no compilation step. Also, debugging Python programs is super easy neither a bug or bad input will not cause a segmentation fault. Rather, an exception is raised when the interpreter discovers an error.

Python was developed by Guido Van Rossum in 1991 and has seen a pronounced surge in popularity due in part to Google’s investment in the language over the past several years.

Python has associated web frameworks which make it more convenient to develop web based applications. Some robust sites (off the huge list) which are operating in Python include Quora, Drop Box, Google, Scapy, Immunity Debugger and Spike Proxy.

Python is useful in applications that run entirely in-browser.

  • Websites
  • E-Commerce Websites (Etsy, Amazon)
  • Social Media Websites (Reddit)
  • Educated Websites (Wikipedia,
  • Search Engines (Google)

Python is also used extensively in the Information Security Industry.

  • Exploit Development
  • Debugging
  • Fuzzing
  • Forensics
  • Malware Analysis
  • Network
  • Penetration Testing
  • Deep Packet Analysis

Here are two simple but fun Python codes for creating a Password Generator and Brute Force Password Cracker. Copy them, try them and enjoy learning.

Password Generator

1 import string

2 from random import

3 letters = string.ascii_letters

4 digits = string.digits

5 symbols = String.punctuation

6 chars = letters + digits + symbols

7 min length = 8

8 max length = 16

9 password = “.join(choice(chars) for x in range(randiet(min_length,max_length)))

10 print (password)

Brute Forece Password Cracker

1 import string

2 paswd = input("insert Password To Crack: \n")

3 def Brute (paswd):

4 print("[+][+] Starting BruteForce...")

5 chsrset = list(string.ascii_letters + string.digits + string.punctuation)

6 result = ""

7 x = 0

8 while <= len(paswd)-1:

9 for char in charset:

10 pchar = paswd[x]

11 if char == pchar:

12 print("[+] Trying...", char)

13 print("[+][+] Matched(",char, ")")

14 result += char

15 print("[+][+]Current:',result)

16 x += 1

17 break

18 else:

19 print("[+]Trying...", char) print("[+][+] Matching Done -Password Found:", result)

20 Brute(paswd)

21 #Using this I can find passwords up to 10 in length '

The answer to Pythons name:


