Python Package: MAKEITLITT
How to make progress and convert it into a Python Package?
Started this project a couple of weeks ago when I was working on a script realizing that the method I created could be generalized and could be used more often.
Then after a long notion of discussion with friends in open source community, concluded that how often we create a method, module, class, extended functionality, which feels like should had been the part of the built-in types or its corresponding extensions!
So to club together these custom dynamic?methods, modules, classes, creating general modules for repetitive tasks, etc.. under a common umbrella which will make it litt ??, hence the name of the package: MAKEITLITT
YOU are most welcome to contribute to this project! #opensourcedevelopment
Getting Started
Most of the modeules are standalone but for few make require some additional packages which will taken care up by PIP.
You need python 3 and any IDE installed. To install python:
Go to and download any 3.x version for python
Install the package using PYPI (pip)
pip install makeitlitt
module name: stackoverflow
Import Statement:
from makeitlitt import stackoverflow
Method name: get_stackoverflow_result(query, limit=2, **parameters)
Method Documentation:
query [STRING]: stack overflow query to search
limit [INT]: Number of answers to display per page (DEFAULT - 2)
Optional keyword arguments::
@ans_format [INT]:
> 0 - Display only code snippets from answer (DEFAULT)
> 1 - Display detailed answer
@result [INT]:
> 0 [DEFAULT] - To print the result
> 1 - To get search_result {DICTIONARY} as return for search result
> 2 - Get result as key:value pair data with raw inputs and only formated answer body
Verified [BOOL] | (Under development) :
<TRUE> - To display only the Verified Accepted Correct Answer on the Stack overflow page.
<FALSE> - To display all the result within the limit. [DEFAULT]
search_result {DICTIONARY}:
> 'result_title': [STRING] <Title of the Result>
> 'page-n': [STRING] <page_data>, Where 'n' is page number & page_data is formated page result
> 'pages': [INT] <Number of pages in result>:
from makeitlitt import stackoverflow as sf
sf.get_stackoverflow_result("list slicing in python")
from makeitlitt import stackoverflow as s
search_results_snippets = sf.get_stackoverflow_result("list slicing in python",result=2)
from makeitlitt import stackoverflow as s
search_results_snippets = sf.get_stackoverflow_result("list slicing in python", ans_format=1, result=2)
>> 2. For fetching all the search result URLs on Google search engine for a search query:
To get the URL search results for the query to perform scrapping, SEO analysis or any other user case. Module name: stackoverflow
Method name: get_google_searchResult_Links(query, domain_name=0)
Method Documentation:
query [STRING]: Query to search.
domain [STRING]: To filter the result based on a particular website.
[Default]: 0 --> Get All results irrespective of domain name
result_links [List]:
[...,] - Result Urls scraped for the search page
[-1] - If no result found for filtered website with requested query
[0] - If no result found on the Internet
from makeitlitt import stackoverflow as sf
sf.get_google_searchResult_Links("How to create a pancake?")
from makeitlitt import stackoverflow as s
sf.get_google_searchResult_Links("How to create a dictionary in python?", domain_name="")f
If you read so far, then don't forget to add a ?on the github repo. YOU are most welcome to contribute to this project! #python3 #packaging #opensourcedevelopment #makeitlitt #learningandgrowing
Seems like Diwali dhamaka
Application Development Analyst at Accenture
2 年????