Python For Kids V2 (Part 2: "Hello World")
For a complete table of contents of all the lessons please click below as it will give you a brief of each lesson in addition to the topics it will cover.
Today we will set up our development environment so we can write simple and FUN programs with our new micro:bit so let's get started!
We will then create our first program!
STEP 1: Navigate To Web Editor
STEP 2: Connect Your micro:bit V2 Into Your Computer
STEP 3: Press The Connect Button In The micro:bit MicroPython Web Editor
STEP 4: Click "BBC micro:bit CMSIS-DAP" & CONNECT
STEP 5: Rename Script Name To helloworld_program
STEP 6: Click Flash
STEP 7: WATCH THE micro:bit V2 SCROLL 'Hello, World!' & SHOW A HEART!
Congrats! You did GREAT! You made your first program on the micro:bit V2 and you did a FANTASTIC job!
In our next lesson we will have FUN With Images!