Python Interview Questions Set 6

Python Interview Questions Set 6

Intermediate Level

Is Python case sensitive when dealing with identifiers?

Yes. Python is case-sensitive when dealing with identifiers. It is a case sensitive language. Thus, variable and Variable would not be the same.

How to create a new column in pandas by using values from other columns?

We can perform column based mathematical operations on a pandas dataframe. Pandas columns containing numeric values can be operated upon by operators. Code: import pandas as pd a=[1,2,3] b=[2,3,5] d={"col1":a,"col2":b} df=pd.DataFrame(d) df["Sum"]=df["col1"]+df["col2"] df["Difference"]=df["col1"]-df["col2"] df

What are the different functions that can be used by grouby in pandas ?

grouby() in pandas can be used with multiple aggregate functions. Some of which are sum(),mean(), count(),std(). Data is divided into groups based on categories and then the data in these individual groups can be aggregated by the aforementioned functions.

How to delete a column or group of columns in pandas? Given the below dataframe drop column “col1”.

drop() function can be used to delete the columns from a dataframe. d={"col1":[1,2,3],"col2":["A","B","C"]} df=pd.DataFrame(d) df=df.drop(["col1"],axis=1) df Output

Given the following data frame drop rows having column values as A.

d={"col1":[1,2,3],"col2":["A","B","C"]} df=pd.DataFrame(d) df.dropna(inplace=True) df=df[df.col1!=1] df Output: col1 2, 3 col2 B, C

What is Reindexing in pandas?

Reindexing is the process of re-assigning the index of a pandas dataframe. Code: import pandas as pd bikes=["bajaj","tvs","herohonda","kawasaki","bmw"] cars=["lamborghini","masserati","ferrari","hyundai","ford"] d={"cars":cars,"bikes":bikes} df=pd.DataFrame(d) a=[10,20,30,40,50] df.index=a df Output:

What do you understand about the lambda function? Create a lambda function which will print the sum of all the elements in this list -> [5, 8, 10, 20, 50, 100]

Lambda functions are anonymous functions in Python. They are defined using the keyword lambda. Lambda functions can take any number of arguments, but they can only have one expression. from functools import reduce sequences = [5, 8, 10, 20, 50, 100] sum = reduce (lambda x, y: x+y, sequences) print(sum)

What is vstack() in numpy? Give an example.

vstack() is a function to align rows vertically. All rows must have the same number of elements. Code: import numpy as np n1=np.array([10,20,30,40,50]) n2=np.array([50,60,70,80,90]) print(np.vstack((n1,n2))) Output [[10 20 30 40 50], [50 60 70 80 90]]

Explain the file processing modes that Python supports.

There are three file processing modes in Python: read-only(r), write only(w), read-write(rw) and append (a). So, if you are opening a text file in say, read mode. The preceding modes become “rt” for read-only, “wt” for write and so on. Similarly, a binary file can be opened by specifying “b” along with the file accessing flags (“r”, “w”, “rw” and “a”) preceding it.

What is pickling and unpickling?

Pickling is the process of converting a Python object hierarchy into a byte stream for storing it into a database. It is also known as serialization. Unpickling is the reverse of pickling. The byte stream is converted back into an object hierarchy.

How is memory managed in Python?

This is one of the most commonly asked python interview questions Memory management in python comprises a private heap containing all objects and data structure. The heap is managed by the interpreter and the programmer does not have access to it at all. The Python memory manager does all the memory allocation. Moreover, there is an inbuilt garbage collector that recycles and frees memory for the heap space.

What is unittest in Python?

Unittest is a unit testing framework in Python. It supports sharing of setup and shutdown code for tests, aggregation of tests into collections,test automation, and independence of the tests from the reporting framework.

How do you delete a file in Python?

Files can be deleted in Python by using the command os.remove (filename) or os.unlink(filename)

How do you create an empty class in Python?

To create an empty class we can use the pass command after the definition of the class object. A pass is a statement in Python that does nothing.

What are Python decorators?

Decorators are functions that take another function as an argument to modify its behavior without changing the function itself. These are useful when we want to dynamically increase the functionality of a function without changing it. Here is an example: def smart_divide(func): def inner(a, b): print("Dividing", a, "by", b) if b == 0: print("Make sure Denominator is not zero") return return func(a, b) return inner @smart_divide def divide(a, b): print(a/b) divide(1,0) Here smart_divide is a decorator function that is used to add functionality to simple divide function.

What is a dynamically typed language?

Type checking is an important part of any programming language which is about ensuring minimum type errors. The type defined for variables are checked either at compile-time or run-time. When the type-check is done at compile time then it is called static typed language and when the type check is done at run time, it’s called dynamically typed language. 1. In dynamic typed language the objects are bound with type by assignments at run time. 2. Dynamically typed programming languages produce less optimized code comparatively 3. In dynamically typed languages, types for variables need not be defined before using them. Hence, it can be allocated dynamically.

What is the difference between Python Arrays and lists?

Python Arrays and List both are ordered collections of elements and are mutable, but the difference lies in working with them Arrays store heterogeneous data when imported from the array module, but arrays can store homogeneous data imported from the numpy module. But lists can store heterogeneous data, and to use lists, it doesn’t have to be imported from any module. import array as a1 array1 = a1.array('i', [1 , 2 ,5] ) print (array1) Output: array('i', [1,2,5]) or import numpy as a2 array2 = a2.array([5, 6, 9, 2]) print(array2) Output [5 6 9 2] 1. Arrays have to be declared before using it but lists need not be declared. 2. Numerical operations are easier to do on arrays as compared to lists.

What is Scope Resolution in Python?

The variable’s accessibility is defined in python according to the location of the variable declaration, called the scope of variables in python. Scope Resolution refers to the order in which these variables are looked for a name to variable matching. Following is the scope defined in python for variable declaration. a. Local scope – The variable declared inside a loop, the function body is accessible only within that function or loop. b. Global scope – The variable is declared outside any other code at the topmost level and is accessible everywhere. c. Enclosing scope – The variable is declared inside an enclosing function, accessible only within that enclosing function. d. Built-in Scope – The variable declared inside the inbuilt functions of various modules of python has the built-in scope and is accessible only within that particular module. The scope resolution for any variable is made in java in a particular order, and that order is Local Scope -> enclosing scope -> global scope -> built-in scope

What are Dict and List comprehensions?

List comprehensions provide a more compact and elegant way to create lists than for-loops, and also a new list can be created from existing lists. The syntax used is as follows: 1 a for a in iterator Or, 1 a for a in iterator if condition Ex: list1 = [a for a in range(5)] print(list1) Output: [0 1 2 3 4] list2 = [a for a in range(5) if a < 3] print(list2) Output: [0 1 2] Dictionary comprehensions provide a more compact and elegant way to create a dictionary, and also, a new dictionary can be created from existing dictionaries. The syntax used is: 1 {key: expression for an item in iterator} Ex: dict([(i, i*2) for i in range(5)]) Output: {0:0, 1:2, 2:4, 3:6, 4:8}

What is the difference between xrange and range in Python?

range() and xrange() are inbuilt functions in python used to generate integer numbers in the specified range. The difference between the two can be understood if python version 2.0 is used because the python version 3.0 xrange() function is re-implemented as the range() function itself. With respect to python 2.0, the difference between range and xrange function is as follows: 1. range() takes more memory comparatively 2. xrange(), execution speed is faster comparatively 3. range () returns a list of integers and xrange() returns a generator object. Example: for i in range(1,10,2): print(i) Output: 1 3 5 7 9

What is the difference between .py and .pyc files?

.py are the source code files in python that the python interpreter interprets. .pyc are the compiled files that are bytecodes generated by the python compiler, but .pyc files are only created for inbuilt modules/files.


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