Is Python (Django and SQLite) enough for back-end? バックエンドはPython(DjangoとSQLite)で十分なのでしょうか?

No, the backend is Python and FastAPI, which is the Gin framework equivalent of the Go language with high speed.

We highly recommend DATABASE SET, which is fast, big, and scalable like Snowflake.

I also look forward to a future version of Python with a new version of Python that has a Python-like syntax but is based on Rust.

We are also looking forward to the immediate availability of WunderGraph's Python FastAPI, a hybrid that combines the best of both RESTAPI and GraphQL.

The use of Rust as a base has the advantage that it is basically fast and does not suffer from any security issues such as vulnerability problems.

We also use Pyhon, FasTAPI, and Snowflake to develop the dashboard of Tablo's AI, and the completed dashboard can be used in the government cloud and inter-governmental TV chat rooms in Japan and around the world, and can be used as a semi-transparent dashboard for all kinds of numerical data in the Tablo's AI. The dashboard can display all kinds of numerical data by bar chart, pie chart, Japanese map, world map, prefecture, city, town, village, specialties, sales, profit margin, industry, occupation, product, service, etc., translucently, including your face and body on TV The government can also be shown on TV chat rooms, and the government can be asked to discuss domestic, foreign, and trade issues, e-government (digital government) issues, and to reduce the number of civil servants and abolish unnecessary buildings other than schools and hospitals, to improve the fiscal health of the government, to introduce a basic income income, to increase food self-sufficiency, to increase the food stockpile ratio, to reduce the birthrate, to increase the number of children in the family, to increase the number of children in the family, and so on. Budget for increasing food self-sufficiency, budget for increasing food stockpiling rate, budget for measures against aging society with low birthrate, budget for making basic pension + employees' pension universal insurance even for non-members, budget for increasing the amount of pension and not reducing the amount of pension even if people start receiving pension from age 60. Budget for additional keyboard & mouse for learning tablets. A system and materials that allow students to study school from kindergarten to university, web programming, app development, embedded system development, etc., and an AI teacher for certifications and skills such as data scientist for online examinations at home in American English, dropout prevention function, and failure prevention function. The budget for the development of teaching materials that take this into consideration into account, and the budget for the development of teaching materials that take this into account into consideration. Let's abolish municipal, prefectural, and central government buildings! Let's promote telework and remote work! We can talk about a budget that eliminates the need for tax returns by making all electronic money, a budget that solves the problems of the judicial, legislative, and executive branches of government, a budget that promotes HANDPAY, a paperless and cardless payment system, such as a cardless payment system without a personal number card, credit card, point card, national health insurance card, or hospital examination card, etc., etc. I think this is a good idea. I think this is a good idea.

Masahiro Ishizuka, CEO of Aon.

[email protected]







Aon CEO 石塚 正浩。

[email protected]



