Python Basics
Below is an extract and my learning from the course.
For Python Beginners this sample will be useful. This extract will touch fundamentals like handling variables, playing with logical operators, input output, if-then-else, while and For loops, Slicing strings and two sample programs - Cheer BoT and Finding Cube Root. You can have a quick review from your coffee table and get right in to action.
You can get the notebook format from my github page and execute it in JuPyteR for practice.
#!/usr/bin/env pytho
# coding: utf-8
# In[218]:
#Playing with Variables
a= "Hello"
b= "Welcome to Python Learning"
c= a +" "+b
c_str = str(c)
print (c_str)
# In[219]:
#Get input, Process and print
test = input("typeanything")
print (5*test)
# In[225]:
#Controling Input type Here we defined Integer
test=int(input("type only Integer"))
print (5*test)
# In[222]:
x=float(input("type float value of x"))
y=float(input("type y value"))
if x==y:
? ? print("X", x, "and Y" ,y ,"are equal")
elif x > y:
? ? print ("X is greater")
? ? print ("y is greater")
? ??
? ??
# In[226]:
#While loop, if condition is met then execute
while x < 4:?
? ? print (x)
? ? x = x+1
# In[182]:
#for x in range (10): #range (start,stop,step)
for i in range(5,20,5):
? ? print (i)
#Actually this loop goes 3 times, i value is less significat here
? ? y=y+1
? ? print ("y is",y)
#to Break the loop with a condition
? ? if y >15:
? ? ? ? break
# In[168]:
#Playing with strings
x[1], x[-3]
# In[130]:
# In[132]:
#Slice strings [Start:stop:step]
#get "low"
# In[147]:
#to get lwoAeo - this is good for obfuscations
# In[141]:
#Full string
# In[145]:
# In[175]:
#Hellow to YeeelloWW and X is bound to be a new Object
print (x)
# In[176]:
#We can call a variable inside a for loop "loop variable" Here X=YeeelloWW
for shk in range (len(x)):
? ? if x[shk] == 'i' or x[shk] == 'o':
? ? ? ? print ("There is an i or o")
# In[178]:
#Another Pythonic Method
for char in x:
? ? if char == 'i' or char == 'o':
? ? ? ? print ("There is an i or o")
? ??
# In[190]:
#Cheer BoT Program
word = input("Type your Name")
#try to give error if input is wrong
level =int(input("Enter Enthusiasm Level 1-10"))
for j in range (len(word)):
? ? print ("Give me an",word[j], "!")
print ("What does it spells?")
for k in range (level):
? ? print(word,"!!!")
# In[232]:
#Guess and Check Cube Root
#Meaning starts with 0x0x0,1x1x1, 2x2x2, 3x3x3 etc
cube =int(input("Enter the cube Root"))
for guess in range (abs(cube)+1):
? ? if guess**3 > cube:
? ? ? ? print ("Cube", cube, "is not a perfect Cube")
? ? ? ? #How to find the nearest??
? ? ? ? print ("Nearest cube root of", cube, "is", guess-1, "and cube is", (guess-1)**3)
? ? ? ? break
? ? elif guess**3 == cube:
? ? ? ? print ("Cube root of", cube, "is", guess)
? ? ? ? break
#How many gueeses it took and Try nearest to cube root to fractional granularity??Try it.
? ? ? ??