Python Application Configuration

Python Application Configuration


Python is widely accepted for building various products such as APIs, data pipelines, and machine learning models. Our application often relies on different environment variables, which can be adjusted based on the environment in which the application is being executed. These variables include database connection strings, storage bucket names, and more. They need to be configured differently for various environments by injecting environment variables into the Docker container at runtime.

We can utilize the os module to handle reading environment variables with methods like os.environ and os.environ.get.

In a comprehensive product, we may encounter numerous configuration variables that depend on factors such as the chosen cloud service and the environment type (e.g., DEV/QA/PROD). Managing such a large number of variables using only the os module can become cumbersome.

ConfigParser Approach

The ConfigParser module is one approach that serves the purpose of handling configuration variables. It expects a .ini file containing values for different variables and comes built into Python itself.

With ConfigParser, we can easily create and read configurations with various variables and sections. Organizing variables into different sections can be particularly useful for managing complex configurations.

url = localhost:5432/mydatabase
username = myuser
password = mypassword        
import configparser

# Initialize ConfigParser
config = configparser.ConfigParser()

# Load configuration from file'config.ini')

# Example usage
database_url = config.get('Database', 'url')
database_username = config.get('Database', 'username')
database_password = config.get('Database', 'password')        

However, ConfigParser does not provide direct support for reading environment variables. To seamlessly handle environment variables, we need to add an additional wrapper module. Additionally, ConfigParser is designed to support only .ini files, which might not be the best choice if we need to work with other formats.

In my view, ConfigParser is suitable for Jupyter Notebook-based applications, where updating configuration variables is easy without much hassle.

python-decouple Approach

python-decouple is a third-party package designed to seamlessly handle both configuration variables and environment variables. It supports various file formats such as .ini, .env, and plain text files.

One of the key advantages of python-decouple is its Pythonic approach to reading variables, offering flexibility to add additional functionality to the variables, such as casting to different formats, adding to enums, or reading directly in class or instance methods.

Let's explore an example demonstrating how we can utilize the python-decouple package for configuration:

from decouple import config

class Config:
    """Config object class"""

    CONNECTION_STRING=config("DB_CONNECTION_STRING", default="localhost:5432")
    POLLING_INTERVAL=config("POLLING_INTERVAL", default=1, cast=int)

class DevConfig(Config):
    """Development environment config"""


class ProductionConfig(Config):
    """Production environment config"""


def get_config(env=config("ENVIRONMENT",default="")):
    """Method to access the config variables"""

    if env=="development":
        return DevConfig
    if env=="production":
        return ProductionConfig
    return Config


In the example above, we demonstrate how to handle config variables with different classes based on the environment to override values from the parent configuration. This approach allows for easy extension of the configuration module, such as for multi-cloud approaches with different configurations required to access cloud services.


In conclusion, employing an organized approach to managing configuration and environment variables is crucial for the scalability of any application. Such an approach not only simplifies deployment across various platforms using tools like Docker but also streamlines local development. Ideally, designing a robust configuration module during the initial phases of development sets a strong foundation for scalability. This ensures that the application can easily accommodate the addition of new variables as it evolves over time.



