Pyramids and the Mineral Kingdom
Understanding the role of the Mineral Kingdom can unravel the mystery of constructing magnificent worldwide temples and pyramids. This realm encompasses the unique properties and energies of minerals, a subject we know little about.?
This article aims to illuminate the overlooked influence of the Mineral Kingdom on the construction of ancient wonders, particularly the pyramids. It suggests that the unique properties and energies of minerals, harnessed by the ancient masters, played a significant role in constructing these wonders, challenging common beliefs about their origins.?
The Earth, our Mother Gaia, is a living entity with a Soul, evolving alongside us. The Planetary Hierarchy, a concept that refers to the spiritual guardians and overseers of the Earth's evolution, maintains systems to support human life. Through this lens, we can begin to comprehend the construction of these ancient wonders.
Science recognizes the plant and animal kingdoms. However, the Earth has evolved from the Water Kingdom, Plant Kingdom, Mineral Kingdom, Animal Kingdom, and Diva Kingdom to the Human Kingdom.?
All the kingdoms evolved with Mother Nature to support humanity. Humans have a Soul, like Gaia. We are connected to the Source of Oneness, from which all energy comes, but we are unfamiliar with the Mineral Kingdom and its properties.?
While we are familiar with artisans who use crystals to make jewelry, it's a lesser-known fact that the living energy in crystals also exists in minerals. The ancient masters, with their profound understanding of the Mineral Kingdom, harnessed this energy to construct these wonders, a feat that continues to inspire awe.
The Ancient Tools Explained:
"The Atlanteans cut stone as if it were wood, and the Egyptians cut wood as if it were stone."? Erik.
We don’t understand ancient technology or their civilization because we don’t have the technology they had. We try to comprehend how they built things using our tools and technology.?
Historians label the ancient period the Bronze Age. We know that bronze tools cannot cut and drill into granite (ignore the hardheaded men who say otherwise). The Atlantean/Anunnaki stone coffers were made of one solid piece of granite, smooth and polished inside and out.?
We can’t make square inside corners using our “modern” tools. Modern caskets are made of wood and polished to a brilliant finish. But even the Egyptians couldn’t make fine furniture because they didn’t have machine tools to cut and polish wood. Everything the Egyptians made from wood was crude and made from pieces glued together. The wood furniture, figurines, and sarcophagus were painted and covered in art to make them look majestic.?
Yet 13,000 years ago, every statue of animals and people, including the Sphinx, was carved from a single piece of stone. These figures are accurate, smooth, and polished to a mirror finish. The ability to carve stone as if it were wood points to the Atlanteans living in the Mineral Age, a time when they could manipulate stone using the technology of minerals.
The golden age of technology could communicate construction plans to the living energy in minerals to cut rocks into perfect shapes. When placed together, rocks molded into shapes seamlessly with the surrounding stones.?
They moved and transported stones effortlessly and lifted them to great heights. They could cut large blocks of stone into perfect shapes and remove the inside stone to make a container similar to a coffin with a perfect lid.?
Using mineral technology, they could manipulate stone into any shape, but wood is dead organic matter and is untouched by the Mineral Kingdom. Eventually, the manipulation and construction of stone ended. But it was used worldwide by all cultures to make pyramids and buildings.?
When Atlantis sank, the technology to manipulate the Mineral Kingdom ceased. Thousands of years later, the Egyptians built wooden coffins, but the construction was crude and uneven. In the modern era, we have machines to cut and mold wood or bone into any shape and make a statue from one piece of wood, but we struggle working with stone…
This photo of the Al Naslaa Rock proves that ancient technology used the Mineral Kingdom to cut stone. Find it on the internet...
Pyramids Were Built in a Golden Age?
To understand who built the pyramids, we must learn when and why they were made. The common belief is that the pyramids were built for tombs during the ancient Egyptian period, but that's impossible. The ancient Egyptians lived near the pyramids for thousands of years before becoming a nation.?
To understand human history, we must understand what happened millions of years ago. Research shows humans existed on our planet 450 million years ago. Something caused early civilizations to perish, allowing reptiles to populate the earth when hot temperatures supported the Plant Kingdom.?
A deadly asteroid 66 million years ago destroyed the dinosaurs and at least 75% of life on Earth. We believe that several golden ages occurred after that asteroid catastrophe. In this context, a golden age refers to a period of advanced civilization and technological ability.?
A lot can happen in 66 million years. Our modern history is only a few thousand years old, and much has happened over one hundred years. A Golden Age existed with the Anunnaki (Lemuria), and hundreds of years later, the Golden Age of Atlantis started.?
The pyramids are so old that they were built by the Anunnaki from Lemuria more than 12,990 years ago because they were made before the Younger Dryas catastrophe. Thousands of years later, the Atlanteans used them, and thousands of years after, the Egyptians inherited them.?
Notice that the Pyramids don’t have any hieroglyphics or sarcophagi. In this scenario, the Anunnaki created the pyramids and Sphinx and gave them to the Atlanteans.?
The Atlanteans put hieroglyphics on all their construction projects, such as the monolithic obelisks and other stone temples containing hieroglyphics.? Egyptians inherited their version of hieroglyphics from the Atlanteans, which explains why they can only read a few names and dates.?
We would know even less if it weren't for the Rosetta stone. However, the Rosetta stone is a small broken piece from a larger tablet created thousands of years after the Atlantean era. The information would be as useless as looking in a modern encyclopedia for answers.
During the Golden Age of Lemuria, the Anunnaki created the pyramids and Sphinx. They used the mineral kingdom’s ability to construct the Great Pyramids and placed a gemstone to cap them. The crystal stone generated power to the area and provided a wireless communication network.?
But why did they create the giant Sphinx? It doesn’t seem to have a purpose. The Sphinx must have been a symbol of their power and used at the entrance to a Wonderland entertainment complex. More about that in the following article…
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