PV - Viewpoints
John R. Nocero PhD, CCRP
Director of Quality and Compliance | All Gas, No Brakes
By John R. Nocero & Sandra Abell
John: According to Manson (2020) One of the effects of the internet and social media that is often talked about is the contrarian nature of seemingly everything. If you go online to find some nutrition advice, you are quickly bombarded with 19 different people who tell you that nutrition advice is wrong, the food is wrong, the agriculture companies are wrong, the trainers selling it to you are wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. This constant contrarian nature of the online world is the undertow that pulls us out to the postmodernist sea. In constantly being exposed to the world’s flaws and foibles, we lose faith in everything and everyone. Knowledge itself becomes politicized.
Manson goes on to say that postmodern thinking radicalizes people, not because it makes them go crazy, but because it makes knowledge appear to be arbitrary and political. Postmodernism is the reason why everything seems to be becoming politicized these days, even if it shouldn’t be. To him, its why academic journals rescind scientific research because some groups may find it offensive. Its why corporations have begun to adopt slogans that have absolutely nothing to do with their products and please only a tiny fraction of their customers. It’s why politicians who lost elections claim the vote was fraudulent without any evidence. It’s why public figures unironically claim they have “alternative facts” as if the term wasn’t an oxymoron.
But it really is. If you look hard enough, you can find someone who believes as you do, thereby reinforcing your beliefs. It is harder to question, and say, hmm, what if I am wrong? What if there is another viewpoint I am missing?
Sandy, thoughts?
Sandy: Good points John. I think there have always been as many viewpoints as there are people. Sometimes we find someone who thinks as we do, so we feel validated in our beliefs. Other times we meet people who disagree and see things differently. We are all individuals, who come from different backgrounds and perspectives, which have shaped our thoughts and opinions.
The thing that makes me sad these days is that for some reason we have decided that if someone holds a different view than we do, then they are wrong, bad, and our enemy. Regardless of the fact that each opinion comes from a person’s history and experience, and they probably have a good point.
It’s unfortunate that now we see people as right or wrong, instead of possibly offering a viewpoint we can learn from. I don’t see a lot of open minds or people willing to share thoughts and learn from each other rather than trying to berate them and change their minds.
My dream is that we can once again get back to where we used to be. We used to acknowledge every person’s right to their opinions and not let the fact that we disagree make us feel threatened. I think the Supreme Court Judges, Antonin Scalia and Ruth Bader Ginsberg are a beautiful example of two people who had differing thoughts on many things, yet were the best of friends.
This is something for us all to aspire to.