#PV - Everything Matters

#PV - Everything Matters

By John R. Nocero & Sandy Abell

 John: Sandy, I was giving a presentation last week. I led with my key point right out the chute: everything you do matters and consequences have consequences.

 I don’t know if you have thought about this before, you probably don’t need to, but I do. All the little things, everything you are doing and why you are doing it. All of it matters.

 People jumped back a bit when I said it but I don’t think it makes it any less true. The fatal flaw for me sometimes is that I get so focused on it, that I forget to enjoy certain things, but I am getting better with that. Sometimes. Other times, okay not really.

 For me, it is always about doing what you say, when, how you would say it and then sticking to it, even if it means going it alone. That’s an interesting thing too – you can walk away from someone and when someone better does not come along immediately, you run back to the person who you didn’t want in the first place. Why? Because you were lonely and you couldn’t wait.

 Everything doesn’t come now. Great things take time. And everything matters.

 Sandy, thoughts?

 Sandy: As you know John, I’m all about being consistent, reliable, responsible, honest and congruent. When you act in this way, the natural consequences are that people trust and respect you, and your interactions are usually good.

 The subject of natural consequences is huge right now, because it doesn’t seem like people are as aware of them as they once were. It used to be that if a kid didn’t do her/his homework s/he didn’t pass the classes. And if s/he didn’t pass the classes s/he didn’t advance to the next grade. Natural consequences of behavior choices.

 However, now it seems that teachers, parents, and everyone are making excuses and enabling, so poor choices result in no consequences. What kids are learning is that they don’t have to be responsible or make wise decisions, because people will cover for them and they’ll get what they want anyway.

 Of course, this is not the case in all families or all organizations, but it seems much more prevalent than it used to be.

 So yes, everything you do matters. There will be some kind of reward or consequence to whatever you choose to do, so it’s important for each of us to be aware before we act, of what will come from how we choose to proceed.

 Your last point about walking away from someone who isn’t good for you, is another important one. If you choose to walk away from someone it’s probably because you are taking care of yourself, which is a good thing. 


John R. Nocero PhD, CCRP的更多文章

