PV - Endings
John R. Nocero PhD, CCRP
Director of Quality and Compliance | All Gas, No Brakes
By John R. Nocero & Sandy Abell
John: I lost a friend yesterday. Not in the literal sense. A colleague at work told me she has taken a new job outside the company. her last day is tomorrow. I don't usually make friends at work - right now, I have three people who I can truly call friends. I also realize that while we will be friends still, it will change. We may not keep in touch. we may not talk again for months, if ever. The truth is you lost touch with a lot of people who you used to work with - that is just fact. So what I did this time, was told her how much I appreciated working with her, to go be a massive success and to have a great last two days. That is about all I can do - and I am okay with it.
I never like to say goodbye to anyone - that is too permanent. I do send people love and I move on and sometimes that's the best thing you can do. say so long, see you soon and I wish you nothing but love and success.
Sandy, thoughts?
Sandy: This is a situation we have all experienced John. As we’ve talked about, life is about change, and part of that means that relationships often shift. Sometimes we can keep the friendship regardless of the change in circumstances. However, other times we discover that the relationship was based on the circumstances, so when those change, the relationship fades away.
You did the perfect thing by telling your friend how much you appreciate her and letting her know what she means to you. You were also encouraging and supportive when you wished her well in her new role.
You might or might not continue this friendship, but you will both feel good and smile when you think about it, because of the way you chose to let it go.