Puzzle Model – Working is an action not a space!

Puzzle Model – Working is an action not a space!

Puzzle Model – Working is an action not a space!Puzzle Model – Working is an action not a space!

Let’s re-imagine the dream work environment of the future! Each business is unique, but all companies have one aspect in common at present; they are all examining their real estate portfolios carefully. If you want to downsize, renew, re-design or expand, with more saving than anytime, you will need:

A robust workplace strategy which contributes strongly to your post-pandemic recovery plan,

A solution which is reliable, applicable and exactly matches your changing needs, and

A sample scenario based on a business case.

Therefore, you need to know what the value of your office is in the future. You need to balance various requirements needed by all your employees. You need to turn your offices into attractive, desired and high-performance spaces to return to when working from home or a center is no longer the case. We believe that all these needs will be covered in one solution: A workplace model for the future offices, Puzzle!

To achieve Puzzle Model, analysis, design and application stages need to be followed in accordance. A workplace must be available for use, renewed, functional and able to cover the needs in the future. With an analysis approach, our occupancy rate studies, our personality tests, our questionnaires regarding the attitude of employees, our discussions with executives, thanks to our global access, it can be projected what each user will need in a few years –with a high accuracy.

The Puzzle Model is a future work space model fully customizable for various industries and enterprises. It balances remote and office-based work when using the space intelligently in order to maximize the effectiveness of each individual and each type of work. It offers the best of two worlds. Customizing the Puzzle Model, will help you adapt the framework according to its own unique conditions. The Puzzle Model has been designed to gauge employees’ thoughts on well-being, culture, productivity, and remote work. According to the surveys of Studio Alliance, as a result of COVID protocols, 20 to 60%of the workforce works remotely. In addition to 30 to 40% empty office desks, 10 to 30% more will remain empty.


Starting from that point, the Puzzle Model takes human performance and operation to center. According to that, it is decided to see offices as a source of revenue and idea generators.

Offices are to generate ideas to encourage innovation and new thought, to ensure that your employees communicate with each other and reinforce your sense of culture and to encourage diversity, participation and inclusion. The words "Office" and "workplace" cannot be intertwined anymore. Because, a notable amount of work can now be done remotely, away from homes, headquarters or shared work spaces. Nevertheless, some employees want to return full-time to the office. Quarantine was a barrier for them on this path. This attitude may depend on the work they do, the personality types or its unique challenges on work from home.

However, they are returning to a changing workplace: There will be fewer colleagues, a different atmosphere and new working methods in place.

Offices are the places where people meet to laugh, socialize, share and explore. Disturbing resources include a troublesome commute to work, office policies, presentation and work cabinets, travel and lunch expenses. However, "being at work" actually has many commensurable aspects.

Office is the place where problems are solved through collaboration, opinions are exchanged,

brand and business culture are created and sustained, strategic decisions are taken, and important HR interviews are held.

The workplace will not mean office anymore -it may evolve to a rather conceptual ‘space' distributed, blended in offices, houses, private and public open centers.

?Use, positioning and means of office desks and equipment must be re-considered.

?Everyone who cannot easily work at home can create their own working arrangement at shared work spaces.

The biggest companies of the world understood in only 3 months that they did not need their employees to be all together at the same place. Nevertheless, headquarters have always been more than a place where people work. The headquarters is a mode of expression for the company’s culture and brand. A visitor starts feeling the organization and culture as soon as entering the lobby. They acquire the first impression about the company profile. As an acquisition from that example, senior decision-making process may be focused on one location again, but this location will be smaller and the higher management will become the place with collaboration in the corporate system. The headquarters office may become a more extroverted place: it must be a transparent brand showcase for the community. Headquarters’ office employees may be repositioned at hyper-connected, satellite-or headquarters-connected locations with technology. Office blocks may be converted for residential use.

So far, office areas have been designed according to job descriptions of employees. However, the job descriptions will be less influential in the future. Before the pandemic, all of us spent time on four things at the office; concentration study (when we need to concentrate), collaborative work (when we need to meet), socialization, interactive and formal learning. Going to the office for a certain objective is targeted in the future. The employees will not be needed to be at the workplace for a whole day or during the hours which are considered as main work hours.

When it is all considered, the office will be a high-performance environment which provides experience, coaching, entertainment and technology. Local and remote team members will enable companies to work effectively in real time with the customers and will become a place which attracts employees, rather than one that they go to unwillingly. To sum up, they are places for problem solving, innovation and group work. However, when it comes to homes as a workstation, most people feel better when working at home since they can wear anything they want, spare the time they spend on the way for themselves, take the dog out at lunch or have a coffee in the garden, and have their dinner earlier. Besides those positive aspects, work from home leads weak ergonomics, extreme screen time, irregular Wi-Fi and lack of participation.

Therefore, the best blended workplace considers the best of working from home and office; merges the two locations and increases balance and experience.



Puzzle Modeli – ?al??mak bir mekan de?il, bir eylemdir!

Gelece?in rüya ?al??ma ortam?n? yeniden hayal edelim! Her i?letme benzersizdir, ancak ?u anda tüm ?irketlerin ortak bir y?nü vard?r; hepsi gayrimenkul portf?ylerini dikkatle inceliyorlar. Her zamankinden daha fazla tasarrufla alan kü?ültmek, alan? yenilemek, yeniden tasarlamak veya geni?letmek istiyorsan?z, ?unlara ihtiyac?n?z olacak:

Pandemi sonras? iyile?me plan?n?za gü?lü bir ?ekilde katk?da bulunan sa?lam bir i?yeri stratejisi,

güvenilir, uygulanabilir ve de?i?en ihtiya?lar?n?za tam olarak uyan bir ??züm ve bir i? vakas?na dayal? ?rnek bir senaryo. Bu nedenle gelecekte ofisinizin de?erinin ne oldu?unu bilmeniz gerekir. Tüm ?al??anlar?n?z?n ihtiya? duydu?u ?e?itli gereksinimleri dengelemeniz gerekir. Evden veya merkezden ?al???rken ofislerinizi ?ekici, arzulanan ve yüksek performansl? mekanlara d?nü?türmeniz gerekiyor. Tüm bu ihtiya?lar?n tek bir ??zümde kar??lanaca??na inan?yoruz: Gelece?in ofisleri i?in bir i?yeri modeli, Puzzle!

Puzzle Modeline ula?mak i?in analiz, tasar?m ve uygulama a?amalar?n?n buna uygun olarak takip edilmesi gerekmektedir. Bir i?yeri kullan?ma haz?r, yenilenmi?, i?levsel ve gelecekteki ihtiya?lar? kar??layabilecek durumda olmal?d?r. Analiz yakla??m?m?z, doluluk oran? ?al??malar?m?z, ki?ilik testlerimiz, ?al??anlar?n tutumlar? ile ilgili anketlerimiz, y?neticilerle yapt???m?z g?rü?meler, küresel eri?imimiz sayesinde her kullan?c?n?n birka? y?l i?inde neye ihtiyac? olaca?? yüksek do?rulukla ?n g?rülebilmektedir.

Puzzle Modeli, ?e?itli endüstriler ve i?letmeler i?in tamamen ?zelle?tirilebilen gelecekteki ?al??ma alan? modelidir. Her bireyin ve her tür i?in etkinli?ini en üst düzeye ??karmak i?in alan? ak?ll?ca kullan?rken uzaktan ve ofis tabanl? ?al??may? dengeler. ?ki dünyan?n en iyisini sunar. Puzzle Modelini ?zelle?tirmek, ?er?eveyi kendi benzersiz ko?ullar?na g?re uyarlaman?za yard?mc? olacakt?r. Puzzle Modeli, ?al??anlar?n refah, kültür, üretkenlik ve uzaktan ?al??ma konusundaki dü?üncelerini ?l?mek i?in tasarlanm??t?r. Studio Alliance'?n ara?t?rmalar?na g?re COVID protokolleri sonucunda i? gücünün %20 ila %60'? uzaktan ?al???yor. %30 ila %40 bo? ofis masalar?na ek olarak %10 ila %30 daha fazlas? bo? kalacakt?r.

Bundan hareketle Puzzle Modeli insan?, performans? ve i?leyi?i merkeze al?r. Buna g?re ofisin bir gelir kayna?? ve fikir üreticisi olarak g?rülmesine karar verildi. Ofisler, yenili?i ve yeni dü?ünceyi te?vik etmek i?in fikirler üretmek, ?al??anlar?n?z?n birbirleriyle ileti?im kurmas?n? sa?lamak ve kültür duygunuzu gü?lendirmek ve ?e?itlili?i, kat?l?m? ve kapsay?c?l??? te?vik etmek i?indir. "Ofis" ve "i?yeri" kelimeleri art?k i? i?e ge?emez. ?ünkü ?nemli miktarda i? art?k uzaktan, evlerden, genel merkezden veya ortak ?al??ma alanlar?ndan uzakta yap?labilir. Bununla birlikte, baz? ?al??anlar ofise tam zamanl? olarak d?nmek istemektedir. Karantina onlar i?in bu yolda bir engeldi. Bu tutum, yapt?klar? i?e, ki?ilik tiplerine veya evden ?al??ma konusundaki benzersiz zorluklar?na ba?l? olabilir.

Ancak, de?i?en bir i?yerine d?nüyorlar: daha az meslekta?, farkl? bir atmosfer ve yeni ?al??ma y?ntemleri olacak. Ofisler insanlar?n gülmek, sosyalle?mek, payla?mak ve ke?fetmek i?in bulu?tu?u yerlerdir. Rahats?z edici kaynaklar, i?e zahmetli bir ?ekilde gidip gelme, ofis politikas?, sunum ve ?al??ma dolaplar? seyahat ve ??le yeme?i masraflar?n? i?erir. Ancak, "i?te olman?n" asl?nda pek ?ok ?l?ülebilir y?nü vard?r. Ofis, sorunlar?n i?birli?i ile ??züldü?ü, fikir al??veri?inin yap?ld???, marka ve i? kültürü olu?turulur ve sürdürülür, stratejik kararlar al?n?r ve ?nemli ?K g?rü?meleri yap?l?r. ??yeri art?k ofis anlam?na gelmeyecek - ofislerde, evlerde, ?zel ve kamusal a??k merkezlerde da??t?lm??, harmanlanm?? olduk?a kavramsal bir 'alan'a d?nü?ebilir.

?Ofis masalar? ve ekipmanlar?n?n kullan?m?, konumland?r?lmas? ve olanaklar? yeniden g?zden ge?irilmelidir.

?Evde kolayca ?al??amayan herkes ortak ?al??ma alanlar?nda kendi ?al??ma düzenini olu?turabilir.

Dünyan?n en büyük ?irketleri, ?al??anlar?n?n hep birlikte ayn? yerde olmas?na ihtiya? duymad?klar?n? sadece 3 ayda anlad?lar. Bununla birlikte, genel merkez her zaman insanlar?n ?al??t??? bir yerden daha fazlas? olmu?tur. Merkez, ?irketin kültürü ve markas? i?in bir ifade bi?imidir. Bir ziyaret?i, lobiye girer girmez organizasyonu ve kültürü hissetmeye ba?lar. ?irket profili hakk?nda ilk izlenimi edinirler. Bu ?rnekten bir kazan?m olarak, üst düzey karar verme süreci yine tek bir lokasyona odaklanabilir, ancak bu lokasyon daha kü?ük olacak ve kurumsal sistemde üst y?netim i?birli?i ile yer olacakt?r. Genel merkez ofisi daha d??a d?nük bir yer haline gelebilir: toplum i?in ?effaf bir marka vitrini olmal?d?r. Genel merkezin ofis ?al??anlar?, teknoloji ile hiper ba?lant?l?, uydu veya genel merkez ba?lant?l? konumlarda yeniden konumland?r?labilir. Ofis bloklar? konut kullan?m? i?in d?nü?türülebilir.

?imdiye kadar ofis alanlar? ?al??anlar?n g?rev tan?mlar?na g?re tasarland?. Ancak, i? tan?mlar? gelecekte daha az etkili olacakt?r. Pandemiden ?nce hepimiz ofiste d?rt ?eye zaman harcard?k; konsantrasyon ?al??mas? (konsantre olmam?z gerekti?inde), i?birlik?i ?al??ma (bulu?mam?z gerekti?inde), sosyalle?me, etkile?imli ve resmi ??renme. Gelecekte belirli bir ama? i?in ofise gitmek hedeflenir. ?al??anlar?n tam gün veya ana ?al??ma saatleri olarak kabul edilen saatler boyunca i?yerinde bulunmalar?na gerek kalmayacakt?r.

Her ?ey dü?ünüldü?ünde ofis, deneyim, ko?luk, e?lence ve teknoloji sa?layan yüksek performansl? bir ortam olacakt?r. Yerel ve uzak ekip üyeleri, ?irketlerin mü?terilerle ger?ek zamanl? olarak etkin bir ?ekilde ?al??mas?n? sa?layacak ve ?al??anlar?n istemeden gittikleri bir yer de?il, onlar? ?eken bir yer haline gelecek. ?zetle, problem ??zme, yenilik?ilik ve grup ?al??mas? i?in yerlerdir. Ancak i? istasyonu olarak ev s?z konusu oldu?unda, ?o?u insan evde ?al???rken kendilerini daha iyi hissediyor ?ünkü istedikleri her ?eyi giyebiliyorlar, yolda ge?irdikleri zaman? kendilerine ay?rabiliyorlar, ??le yeme?inde k?pe?i d??ar? ??kar?yorlar ya da kafede bir kahve i?iyorlar. Ak?am yeme?ini daha erken yerler. Bu olumlu y?nlerin yan? s?ra, evden ?al??ma, zay?f ergonomiye, a??r? ekran süresine, düzensiz Wi-Fi'ye ve kat?l?m eksikli?ine yol a?ar.

Bu nedenle, en iyi harmanlanm?? i? yeri, evden ve ofisten ?al??man?n en iyisini dü?ünür; iki konumu birle?tirir ve dengeyi ve deneyimi art?r?r.


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