Putting Your Fitness Customers First: Be More Interested Than Interesting

Putting Your Fitness Customers First: Be More Interested Than Interesting

Putting Your Fitness Customers First: Be More Interested Than Interesting

One of the fascinating aspects of our industry is the connection we establish with our clients. We're not just service providers, we're part of their health and wellness journey. However, this connection often gets lost in translation when we communicate with our audience, especially when crafting ad copies and messaging. Are we getting the balance wrong?

In this article, I want to discuss an approach that may seem counterintuitive, yet is surprisingly powerful in creating resonant messaging: Being more "interested" than "interesting."

The 80/20 Rule in Messaging

In essence, being more "interested" than "interesting" means focusing more on your customers than your services. Specifically, 80% of your messaging should be about your customers - their problems, pain points, and challenges - while the remaining 20% should be about your solutions or services.

Why is this ratio crucial? It comes down to basic human nature: People are primarily interested in themselves and their own issues. To truly connect with your audience, your messaging must resonate with their interests, not just your own.

Listening Before Speaking: Understand Your Customer

To create customer-focused messaging, start by listening. Seek to understand your customers problems and challenges. What barriers prevent them from achieving their fitness goals? Are they struggling to find time for workouts? Are they bored with their existing routines? Or perhaps they're intimidated by the gym environment?

Your task as a gym owner is to empathize with these issues and craft your messaging around them. Highlight how your services can solve these problems, but remember - the focus should be primarily on their issues, not your solutions.

Crafting the Right Messaging

When it comes to ad copies or messages, too often, we fall into the trap of highlighting our services, our equipment, or our trainers' qualifications. While these are essential aspects, they should not dominate your messaging.

Instead, your communication should be like a conversation where you say, "We understand your problem, and here's how we can help." This approach shows that you've put thought into their issues and positions your gym or fitness studio as a solution.

For example, instead of saying, "We have state-of-the-art equipment," consider saying, "Struggling to keep your workouts interesting? Our state-of-the-art equipment and innovative training methods keep your routines varied and engaging, so you stay motivated."

The Value of Being "Interested"

Why does being more "interested" work? Because it shows you care. It's not just about attracting new members but creating a genuine, empathetic bond. It's about understanding your members' journey and being a part of it.

In turn, this approach improves member satisfaction and loyalty, leading to higher retention rates and positive word-of-mouth – the best marketing you could ask for.

Final Words

The formula for effective messaging in the fitness industry is simple yet often overlooked: Be more interested than interesting. By focusing on your customers' needs and positioning your services as a solution, you create resonant, compelling messaging that truly connects with your audience on an emotional level.

Let's change the narrative. Let's make our gyms and fitness studios spaces where customer needs are truly understood and met. And remember, it starts with being more "interested."

Here's to your success! Ready. Set. GROW!



