Putting Texas Poets’ Corner on the Map
My official internship at Texas Poets' Corner began this week. The position was obtained during the spring semester of last year as part of a scholarship program, and it worked out perfectly to serve as my internship for my internship class. On the board, I work for the professor of communication, Emily S. Kinsky, Ph.D. The Cornette Library has a historical artifact-filled room called Texas Poets' Corner. The objective is to introduce ourselves to students and staff.?
I'm in charge of TPC's social media and newsletter sections. Making connections with people and educating them about TPC is our main objective. The room's past holds just as much interest as the items contained within. This week's task was to schedule a content capture session with the room's supervisor, Sidnye Johnson. My next goal is to make a content calendar that I can use and that Dr. Kinsky can use.?
I'm thrilled to offer TPC the recognition and advancement it deserves. Both staff and students can use this lovely room. We are currently finishing up our newsletter, which should be sent this week or at the start of February.? I am excited to work along Dr. Kinsky as we work to make TPC the incredible place we know it to be!