Putting stones at your feet –is like forgiveness?
Forgiveness is sometimes a hard concept for us to consider – even though we know unforgiveness creates hard places in our psyche and places that can rot and fester- which is why forgiveness in Hypnosis is powerful, the ego is not involved, till after the fact, when peace has come.
But consider – those hard parts, those stones that rub and cut inside you – the hard rocks of your past – the rocks of anger and shame, the cuts from things done that hurt you and you hurt others – even knowing they shouldn’t be done, all those mistakes, even though you know, we know, they were not mistakes, they were bad choices we regret and hide – all those things that have created hard or broken places inside us – consider taking them and putting them down on the ground at your feet. Like the simple act of putting rocks down, rocks, pebbles maybe even things a small as grains of sand – all of them – put them down.
And then walk away.
What do you care they are just stones on the ground now.
There is no judgment needed, no stories need be told, no excuses to render, no feelings required, no hard comments, no guilt -you are just putting the hard hurting places on the ground like stones at your feet – and walking away.
And like everything they are energy and will be reabsorbed, without judgement or comment - into the universe. Just energy reabsorbing energy.
We are walking away without the hard broken pieces we have all carried for so long.