Putting It Out the Way You Want It to Come Back

Putting It Out the Way You Want It to Come Back

In his Sermon on the Mount—the classroom component of his apprenticeship program—Jesus was constantly coaching his apprentices in how to secure an awesome future. Today, as we begin Matthew 7, we see that he passionately returns to this theme. Let’s read it as though we are hearing from our “eternity-coach”—the one doing his best to help us improve our eternal lot:

(Matthew 7:1–2 DKJV) “Do not judge, so that you will not be judged. (2) For with the judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you measure, it will be measured to you.”

This timeless passage from Jesus needs little interpretation or explanation; what he says here is very clear, and we can all obviously understand what he expects of us in this area. So today, I will simply add some parallel passages to highlight the kingdom principle that undergirds it.

“With the measure you measure, it will be measured to you.” This axiom is absolutely true, and on the day God explained himself, Jesus built on it:

(Mark 4:24–25 NKJV) Then He said to them, “Take heed what you hear. With the same measure you use, it will be measured to you; and to you who hear, more will be given. (25) For whoever has, to him more will be given; but whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him.”

This certainly doesn’t sound like the “share and share alike” that religion and communism teach; it doesn’t sound like Jesus is being fair to everyone. But he is. Let me explain:

Jesus freely died for us all—equally. He freely made his word available to us all—equally. But the part that depends on us—“Take heed what you hear”—is not up to Jesus; he has already done his part perfectly and fairly. Now, the amount—the measure—of heeding, hearing, and seeing we do with his written, spoken, and preached word is up to us. And this is what determines the amount that “it will be measured to you.”

Some people “get” this and actually apply it—giving themselves 100% to focus on God’s word; they get a 100% outcome from it. Some give a 30% or 60% measure, others simply give no measure at all to valuing God’s word, and to making the effort to learn it, love it, meditate on it, understand it, and to seeing it in the spirit. And that’s exactly why Jesus said, “Whoever has, to him more will be given; but whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him.” Do you accept that the outcome you receive from the system Jesus set up is up to you? Remember: “With the same measure you use, it will be measured to you.”

(Luke 6:38 NKJV) “Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you.”

In this passage, which is based on the same principle, Jesus drills down to the issue of money. He shows us exactly how to have the amount we want. It begins with “give” and ends: “With the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you.” Wow, this is so simple; yet it requires faith and humility to make the most of it—to maximize our opportunity in what Jesus has set up for us in his new covenant realities.

In Galatians, we see the Holy Spirit explaining the principle behind all of this; he gives one succinct statement of the law of sowing and reaping. It is an unstoppable, absolute, eternal spiritual law. All of us must live under it; we simply cannot sidestep it, outwit it, or defeat it. And I believe Jesus coaches us in every possible way to put it to use for our advantage. As we read this, let’s take this law to heart, and watch for how the Holy Spirit says to apply it today:

(Galatians 6:7–10 NKJV) “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. (8) For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life. (9) And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. (10) Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith.”

If we want “everlasting life,” we now know one of the great keys for having it: sow to the Spirit. In the immediate context, he was talking about “Let him who is taught the word share in all good things with him who teaches” (Gal. 6:6 NKJV). According to the Holy Spirit, investing into good ministry is a key to reaping everlasting life. This again is very simple to understand, and with some humble trust, not too difficult to do.

For me, the book of Hebrews brings home God’s intent for us where this law is concerned. He was so passionate about us wanting to see his attitude in this, and its pressing urgency, that he didn’t just say this as a promise; he “swore” it as an oath:

(Hebrews 6:13–14 NKJV) For when God made a promise to Abraham, because He could swear by no one greater, He swore by Himself, (14) saying, “Surely blessing I will bless you, and multiplying I will multiply you (your seed).”

God’s covenant with us is one in which he guarantees one very important thing: he will bless you and multiply what you sow. What are you sowing in the area of words, judgment, money, love, encouragement, etc.? Remember, there’s no way around this law; you will reap what you sow. Let’s heed our “eternity-coach” and sow only what we want in our eternal future … no matter what it costs us in the here and now. Today’s coaching in this is “do not judge.”


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