Putting: Make Your Practice Strikes Real

Putting: Make Your Practice Strikes Real

Prepare for Putts & Chips as thoroughly as possible (mentally & physically) … using your ‘8 Step Putting & Chipping Pre-Shot Routine’ (PSR) on absolutely every occasion. This discipline is the magic key to some very real ‘Short Game’ happiness!

Have only a very small point here to share with YOU!

Having done a thorough ‘PSR’ and having made one perfect practice putt, do not make a second ‘Practice Putt’.

Move into the ball, while taking a deep breath (DDB – Deep Diaphragmatic Breath) in and out. This simple process will help you relax! We are going to make the ‘Perfect Strike’ while making the second ‘Smooth Exhale’. You remember our ‘Breathing Rule’? “If your Hands Are Moving You Shall Be Breathing Out!” Applies to every club and shot in your bag! Athletes work breathing out!

So, without fanfare, just ‘Step In, Load & Release’ and ‘Do It’! Give the little pill a roll!

Making several or a dozen ‘Practice Swings’ just annoys your playing partners and gets under your own skin. We get clients who profess to not be able to ‘Pull The String or Trigger’.

This mental instability invites the ‘Yips’.

You do not need to search for a medication to solve that golf ailment!

----- The 555 Golf Academy provides world-class training that has been proven to provide immediate, dramatic, and lasting results. Learn more at 555golf.


Dr. Karl Fischer ... Passionate About People的更多文章

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