Putting Love First
Greetings from New York City, where everything has changed. I am so grateful to our Governor Andrew Cuomo for his repeated message about (New Yorkers) putting love first.
It’s because of this message that New Yorkers have met the challenge very seriously. As a result, this City and State remain the ‘anomaly’ not only in the nation, but in the world.
The COVID-19 curve — only here in Manhattan — has been flattened to 1%. Elsewhere, it is 7%, and almost 1,000 people a day continue (now) to die from COVID in the USA every day.
Cuomo’s words are not a battle call (that was for Trump), but the aspiration to share and magnify love.
What he said is so clear, and I see it as a ‘prayer’ —
"Love wins. Always. And it will win again through this virus. And it will win again through this virus."
Link: https://www.governor.ny.gov/news/video-audio-photos-rush-transcript-governor-cuomo-new-york-love-wins-and-it-will-win-again
And the video, which I think will give you chills …
He then gave a speech, so moving, when at 111 days, he came forward and said: "We have done the impossible.”
Link: https://www.vogue.com/article/andrew-cuomo-final-briefing-coronavirus-we-have-done-the-impossible
Since then, the infection rate in NY has stayed below one percent.
Unfortunately, the loss of the performing arts here in NYC has been extreme. As have many things been a ‘loss’ to so many — primarily of life, but also of ‘material’ things like jobs and homes.
But, there has also been a positive change. People are speaking to each other, showing kindness.
And, I’m writing to say: we need to — and CAN — change our foundation on which we live. The old one was based on being self-serving, racism, slavery and grieving.
I want you to know (about me) that healing is possible.
In my life, I had to give up old pain, old sadness, old grief … all overwhelming. I had to start a new foundation for myself, not the old one, but take responsibility for myself and begin over.
It continues during COVID-19, none of us, I believe, can ‘escape’ the demands of "personal responsibility.”
What do we need to separate from? Well, I think the first step is that we have to separate from our grief.
These messages are not any good without action behind them.
I hope you can receive the love of New York, and rise each day to change yourself, as the times we live in … are not about the past. They are about living well.
Maybe, we are just now learning what it means to live well…
#love #lovethyneighbor #change #comeout #heal #COVID19