Putting HVAC control into the cloud and turning data into insights

Putting HVAC control into the cloud and turning data into insights

#IoT gives us the tools to do things better. Take HVAC as an example. Pressure sensors are used to measure the airflow in ducts. The raw sensor data feeds a control system that keeps things moving. But what if you want to share that data with maintenance personnel? Or predict faults and plan shutdowns before they catastrophically fail? Or control an entire HVAC system from a PC halfway across the world?

This is where IoT comes in. Adding secure connectivity to real-time control systems is the next step. It can be a challenge, but we can help.

To prove it, TE Connectivity and Avnet engineers have worked together to develop a fully connected, real-time, remotely monitored HVAC demonstrator that puts control in the cloud and turns data into actionable insights.

The demonstrator uses two pressure sensors from TE Connectivity, an LMIS025B differential pressure sensor and an SM8436 ultra-low pressure sensor. The output is fed to a Wi-Fi enabled board based on a Microchip MIPS32 microcontroller.

Avnet integrated its IoT acceleration software, IoTConnect, into both the firmware running on the microcontroller and into the cloud platform it connects to. IoTConnect also provides the web-based dashboard used to visualize the data and add remote control.

This end-to-end solution provides the security, authentication and data parsing needed to take raw sensor data and use it in the cloud, as well as send smart control back from the cloud to the board.

As well as working with TE Connectivity and other supplier partners to show how to connect HVAC systems, Avnet is also doing the same thing with other suppliers, in other verticals where IoT can make a positive difference. ?

The connected HVAC demonstrator will be on TE Connectivity’s booth (919) at this year’s #DesignCon. You can find out more by visiting the show or contacting your Avnet representative. ?

Visiting #DesignCon? Want a hands-on demo with TE and Avnet FAEs? Visit DesignCon 2023 | TE Connectivity to request a meeting.

Very nice demo with a lot of effort from teams from Avnet, Microchip and Microsoft as well as some nice sensor technology from TE



